only just in love

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You wake up and open your eyes to the blinding light coming from the curtains. Oh my head! You sit up and then you hear a groan and feel moving. When you look over you see Bella turned away from you with the pillow over her head. "why must it be so bright!" she groaned again. You didn't say anything, you just tried to get up and as soon as you stood up you were dizzy and felt like you were going to throw up or fall to the ground so you sat back on the bed "ughh" Bella turned her head and looked at you "lay back down love" "i'm fine i just had to sit down for a little bit" you stood back up trying to go to the bathroom that was on side of the room where bella sleeps when she's in your bed. As you tried to walk to the other side you held on to the sides of the bed and had to stop for a minute because you felt you were going to pass out "oh dear come on i'll help you to the bathroom" " i don't have to use it i was just going to get water" you said with your hand on your head "oh well then lay back down and i'll get you some cold water from the kitchen" bella smiles lightly and helps you back to your side of the bed and lays you down. You hear her walk down the stares and you thought you must have fallen asleep because you woke up with her opening the door with a glass of water and some aspirin. "here you are take take this" yous sat up and took the pill and then collapsed back down on your pillow "so are you ready to argue?" Bella laughed "huh?" "last night you wouldn't tell me what was wrong so i said we'll just argue in the morning" "oh ehmm..." you sat there and thought about last night then all the memories came back in a blur, you remember screaming and glass breaking. you gasped as you remembered something else. you took Bella's arm looking for the cut to see if you really did it or not..and there it was. you put your hand over your mouth and started to tear up "hey no no it's ok!" "no it's not ok! i've hurt you.." "oh i'm fine i'm pretty sure you hurt yourself worse" "i'm so sorry bella" you sobbed "no come on we can't do this again! i'm fine i promise" bella rubbed your cheek with her fingers. You quickly turned away from her and bella let out a sigh "so do you want to tell me why you were mad?" you still didn't say anything "come on y/n i can't fix it if you don't tell me" i can't believe i did that,i can't believe i did that, how could i have hurt her like that,that was not necessary. oh my god what have i done?? "Y/n i told you it's fine ok? i promise im fine" you forgot she could read your mind and you rolled your eyes. "i can't- i can't Bella i have to go, please let me go" "Y/n you know i can't do that, don't think of it as your held here,you get to roam around the house and you have a room your not in a dungeon" Bella said trying to get you to understand " But i am held here!" "We can't let you go y/n it's because of the dark lord" you rolled your eyes "you could still let me go" "i can't!you know that, the dark lord would kill me and if he found you then he would kill you!" "yeah yeah whatever" "whatever? no not whatever! have you ever thought maybe i don't want you to die?? and obviously you don't care what happens to me" " that's not true at all and you know that!" "y/n you know what the dark lord will-" "yes yes the dark lord your always at his beck and call and probably for more than just 'tasks'" "excuse me? what do you mean by that" "oh please you know exactly what i mean, and not to mention your husband" "what about my husband?" "i saw you get touchy while at that meeting yesterday evening" "mhm you saw him touch me but did you see me push him away??" your don't answer "and what about the dark lord, what do you mean?" "i see the way you look at him" "look at him i- i don't look at him in any way?" "oh yes you do!" you sarcastically laugh " looking at him like he's the most wonderful man you've ever seen,like your sooo in love and so interested in him and your so devoted to him and amazed by him.So what is it your husband, voldemort AND me?" "excuse me? first off why are you making a big deal out of this?" "BECAUSE ITS THE TRUTH" "WELL EVERYTHING YOU SEE IS ALL AN ACT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND?? AND THE FACT THAT YOU WOULD EVEN THINK SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" you didn't say anything. She started to calm down "My 'husband', a pathetic disgrace of a man, i don't let him touch me, no matter how much that nasty thing wants to, and voldemort i hope to god he never touches me, but if he did it would be against my will and i wouldn't have a choice because it would either be that or dying" Bella suddenly realized "That's why you were mad! that's why you were mad?"Bella laughed "You we're jealous!" she smirked "no i wasn't i just...didn't like seeing your husband touching you" " are the only and i mean ONLY person that i let touch me, do you know most people are scared to look at me!? You are the only one i touch or look at or think about! everything else that you see is all an act!" You didn't say anything, you felt to bad, you felt embarrassed and so low of yourself. You made too big of a deal out of it. "honey no you didn't understand, you were just jealous and then you were drunk ok?" "stop reading my mind! i did make a big deal out of it!" "not really..we just had a fight is all it happens" "no i can't i- i can't" "you can't what?" "i can't...i can't look at you anymore,i can't live with myself" "what do you mean? why?" "because Bella i hurt you! I over reacted and don't you dare say i didn't because I did!" you leaned on the bed with your hand on your face and started sobbing "i'm sorry,i'm so sorry, i can't tell you how sorry, and i just can't live with myself anymore" "Y/n.... i forgive you ok? I would forgive you a thousand times over,and do you know how many people i've hurt and i've hurt them worse than that!" bella laughed a little trying to make you feel better "Do you not know who i am?? I'm Bellatrix Lestrange if you don't remember and i'm not gonna let someone like you hurt me!" "someone like me?" "yes,your weak!" "what?" "you heard me!" Bella grabbed your face hard and faced towards her looking at you like she wanted to kill you "pathetic"she sneered and then kissed you. You were shocked you didn't know what to do you were mad and upset and you were still so guilty about what you had done and you tried to pull back but she put her other hand behind your head and kissed you harder. "istg if you don't kiss me back y/n" a little scared and a little turned on you started kissing her back. She broke the kiss for air. She stared at you,into you eyes and you didn't know what to do so you just looked down and started tearing up a little "i'm so sorry Bella" "Y/n what is it going to take to convince you that that was literally nothing and had no effect on me whatsoever?" tears were now rolling down your face "look at me" you didn't. She put her hand softly under you chin and made you look at her. "Y/n I love you too much to not forgive you" you moved your eyes away and then paused and realized what she just said "what?" you whispered "what?" bella said confused "you- you said you loved me?" "oh.. well i do. I love you y/n" you kissed her again smiling and tears on your face and hugged her "I love you Bella" you whispered " you know you've changed much. How could you ever question if i loved you or not" You realized you had indeed changed her. She was least towards you, at first she wouldn't think twice about killing you. "that is not true i would have never killed you,not even then!" you raised you eyebrow "ok i would have hurt you... a little bit to much, but only because i was in denial! but i wouldn't have killed you bc deep down i knew i couldn't" you blushed a little at that "what did i say about reading my mind" you said jokingly "well maybe don't let me" she smirked "oh and with that i know you think my sisters hot" she glared "I do not!" "oh yes you do don't think i wasn't reading your mind as soon as i layed eyes on you, and let me tell you if i ever catch you wit-" "Bella yes your sister is pretty but I'm in love with you!" "y-your in love with me?" bella smiles "of course i am" you laughed. "ah only if i could say the same" Bella looked away pretending to feel sorry "oh so..your not in love with me?" pretending to be sad "well then i guess... i just... won't touch you anymore" you put your hand on her chest and glided it down "or kiss you anymore" you brushed you lips over hers and brushed you tongue on her bottom lip and her eyes opened wide as her bottom lip quivered. "or-" "oh hush you know i'm in love with you and would literally kill myself without you"Bella pulled you into a kiss again for a long time and you tested up a little "ok but i'm just sayin, if you do try to get with her" "Bella shut the hell up and kiss me" you cut her off and she laughed and started kissing you again

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