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Ive pondered upon my saying that there has always been a lacking cause in every aspect we people have faced and i also so little have gave enough knowledge as to what that truly is. And i wouldnt say that i have completely figured it out, for i am only as same as you. And that thought of me having to somwhow face that on my own haunts me. Since i often shun them away although i have witnessed how it lingers. Within evsry singlenone of us. Fortunately ive met singularities that are different from what i thought so i cant really speak on behalf of everyone. I just know that there is a space. A space that is met in heartbreaks relatiomships, partways, hello and goodbyes, each step ws take each breath we fortake we are a factor, in a way are we that space, are we to create, are we to feed it? . In worse case are we to. Propagate?

Recently i am met with great abundance that followed with my biggest downfall, the thing that brought to the highest being i never thought i could reach. Was the one to also bring me to an extent. Where i have never imagined its possible for me to be in, i questioned my existence how i let these things get a hold of me to rely onto, regarding my growth not realizing i could easily be let go of

I questioned the dreams i had, missions i once stood by, once again im standing with the space denying with all my power that i am back. Denying the fact that ive been here once, as i crawl myself out i realized i dont want to go back. I dont want to ever come back. And that is the greatest descision ive made my entire life. You see i am not here totell you that there are someone outhere that is there for you. No because we cant rely on uncertainties, we can never just wait on something thats nothing, unless their a paid healthguide there is literally no one.

It haunts me to realize that the lack is never the problem. Its purpose is to help us realize, that there is still us, and no amount of falldowns, dissapointments, and relying could ever change the fact that u alone is enough, being lonely is enough, than being force to being with someone just to say u are not alone. Lacking was never haunting.

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