chapter one: the crumbled tomb

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Your mouth is as dry as the desert. You have been looking far and wide for any resemblance of civilisation. Cacti dot the landscape. A hare stops to look at you as you drag your feet upon the scorching sand. The once pleasant sun now gave you blisters and burns so unruly it felt like hell itself was unleashed upon you. After hours and hours of walking you stumble across a well. At that moment you didn't care how it got there. You drink the water until u cant anymore. With your thirst now satisfied, you continue to search. after a while the sun strts to set, leaving crimson clouds and a puyrple sky in its wake. you feel tired and sickly from heatstroke... or so you thought.  you think nothing of it and go to sleep to the sounds if the desert wolves hunting for their next meal.

you wake up after a terrible night, full of nightmares of strange creatures, and constant hot or cold flashes. the first thing you feel is nausea. 

 You continue for what feels like an eternity until you find a triangular peak that could not have been made by nature. You start to run towards it. Hoping that it will answer the thing that u most desire. You enter the tomb with high hopes and examine the strange marking on the walls. Another ancient language. You get frustrated. WHY DON'T I REMEMBER? You are blinded with rage but then you notice something in the centre of the room. A hole. You look down into it. A strange looking square lies right beneath you. Out of curiosity you dig down in a staircase sort of way. You reach the bottom, it wasn't a long to dig. You inspect the square room. On each side lie four chest and in the centre some sort of tile. Sketchy. You decide to avoid it. You open one of the chest. Nothing too interesting but a couple of bones and string. The second was a bit more interesting. It contained it scroll. Dusty and old. You open it and, to your surprise, there was a dotted line leading to something blue. You guess the ocean. You store the scroll carefully in you backpack hoping that it will lead to something tht will help you on this quest. The third chest was the same as he fist except it was older and eaten by woodworms. Not expecting anything amazing you open the fourth chest. More bones and string. You are about to close it when something shiny catches your eye. You take it out and find a coin nestled in your hand. It has some weird markings engraved and some words. You guessed. You store it in your backpack along with the scroll. You start heading towards your exit when u hear a slight click. You look down only to realise too late that you stepped on the tile. the ground starts to shake. You bolt for the exit and as you're halfway up the ground starts to crumble beneath you. You sprint up the stairs just a loud BOOM echoes through the desert. The tomb crumbles. Dust and debris litter around you and you fall to the ground in relief.

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