chapter two: the sunken wreck

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You make your way to the nearest river to bathe. The cold water is soothing on your hellish burns from the days before. You get dressed again and look through your backpack which contained an empty water bottle, the coin, the map, some string from the chest, remnants of a carrot and your journal. You also carried a bow and arrow just in case the spirits found you. You decide to take out the map. It was yellowed and crumbling at the edges. You open it. Allocated at the bottom of the page was a compass and a big black dot. The dot was inside what looked like a triangle. You guessed the pyramid your destroyed. A dotted line was drawn across the map eventually leading to a big blueish shape. The ocean. Determined you stand up and pace, still looking at the map. Rivers lead to oceans, you think. You examine the compass. You needed to head north. You pack up your things and follow the river.

Hour pass until the river starts opening into the vast blue ocean. You look at the map again. The X was on a small island. It was close by. But you still needed a boat to get there. You look around, hoping to find some resources. A couple of trees and sticks lie around. You collect the logs and stick and start to tie them together with the string you found in the pyramid. Finally you finish. You test it out in the water. It floats. You get a log and get on the raft yourself and begin your journey towards the island.

By the time you get there it is already dusk. You set up camp and start a fire. You try making yourself as comfortable as possible and fall asleep. You wake up early the next morning to start your hunt for what ever was hidden on the island. You take a look around. not too far from the island is a shipwreck. You dive into the water, entranced at what the wreck hides. You swim till your right on top of it and then, you plunge into the dark depths of the ocean. You notice that the wood isn't too old so the sinking of this ship must have been recent. bubbles struggle to make their way upwards as fish kept on swimming in and out of them. You bee line for the stern. Inside is a small air bubble for u to breath in and, another chest. You open it and inside is loot only a pirate could've collected. gold, emeralds, diamonds. You continue to explore the wreck. You head to the back of the ship where you find another chest. Inside was fresh food and some string and bones. You decide to take all the contents and float up to the surface gasping for breath. All that mattered was that there are still people like you, waiting to be found. Little did you know, something was watching your progress.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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