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* the chapters will begin to get longer for a little while <3

chapter fourteen, stormy hospitals.


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THE RAIN BEAT WICKEDLY AGAINST ANYTHING IT COULD, MAKING MAY FEEL LIKE SHE COULDN'T STOP HEARING THE SOUND. For some reason, weather had always been way louder for her to hear compared to everyone else.

Sometimes, if it was quiet enough, she swore she could hear a storm coming. Like how people who have broken bones can feel when it's going to rain? That's how May felt about the weather sometimes.

It made it easy to dress accordingly to the weather because she never had to listen to the weather reports that always seemed to be wrong.

Today was rainy and cold.

Bless Stiles' soul — he'd given her a blue flannel that was left in his car to warm herself up considering she was still only in her dress from the recital. Goosebumps grew on her skin and the fact that her hair was soaked from rain didn't make it any better.

She couldn't stop herself from shivering inside the small elevator as they waited to get to Cora's floor. Inside the car, Scott filled her in on what had been happening with Cora and that just made May even more worried than before.

The elevator ride felt way too long before the five of them were able to exit the small space, moving silently down the hospital hallway as the lights flickered above them.

Stiles carried his baseball bat closely, ready for any attack, while May held a pocket knife tightly in her hand. She had far too many of them, and she was pretty good at throwing them.

The group happened upon Cora's hospital room and while they expected a frail girl to be laying in the bed, they were met with an empty bed and trail of black blood.

"Oh, that's gross." May blurted out, earning a glare from Derek who held onto Jennifer's arm tightly.

"Derek." Scott caught his attention as he looked down the hallway at the trail of blood that continued, all the way to closed doors at the end of the hall.

May's mind was screaming: 'Not a good idea! Horror movies teach us to never follow trails of blood!' but she kept her mouth shut in real life.

Shuffling sounded behind the doors and before May could even realize what was happening, Peter Hale was sent straight through the doors as they now hung open.

He landed right in front of the group on his back, "We have a problem. A big problem."

The words leave his mouth just before a loud growl sounds from the end of the hallway that Peter just came from, making May's heart stop completely.

So, that's what the twins look like when they're combined. Definitely scarier than she imagined.

She can barely process what's happening as Derek and Scott both transform to fight against it. Cora's limp body lays just behind them as they attack one another, making Stiles' and May's eyes meet with an idea.

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