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chapter eighteen, a cold bath.


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I KNEW THAT ALLISON AND ISAAC SHARED WHAT HAPPENED THE SECOND WE ENTERED DR. DEATON'S OFFICE. The looks that were given to me by Stiles, Lydia, and even Dr. Deaton weren't hard to miss at all. I tried to ignore them the same way I do when someone gives me the looks of pity upon hearing about my dad, but it was annoying nonetheless.

"You okay?" Stiles questions me quietly as we all enter the room, ready to hear what Dr. Deaton might have to say about whatever this 'Nemeton' is.

I nod, pushing my lips into my mouth. I'm not okay, but I'm not going to let it affect me right now either. I need to focus on finding my dad, along with Stiles' dad and Scott's mom. Theres much bigger things to focus on instead of my current mental health state.

He accepts the answer and Dr. Deaton catches his attention, asking what we're all here for. Stiles goes into explanation about the missing parents, which Deaton already knows about somehow, and about where he thinks they're being kept.

"It has to be on a Telluric current," Stiles informs us all, "or maybe even at the axis of two or where they all intersect. I just know it's where Derek took Paige to die."

A look of remembrance flashes before Allison's eyes, "My dad and Gerard were there once. But Gerard said it was years ago, and he couldn't remember where it was." She sighs, "And my dad still hasn't woken up to tell us."

"Yeah and mines not here to tell us either," Stiles adds with a solemn look that breaks my heart.

Isaac questions the same thing I was about to, "Then how do we find this place?"

Everyone's eyes go straight to Deaton because we have no fucking clue. He's the smart one in this current situation. My best idea would be to search the woods all night and hope we can find the good stump. Before the lunar eclipse and before she kills them.

A real fool-proof plan, can't you tell?

"There might be a way." Everyone listens closely as Deaton talks, "But it's dangerous. We're gonna need Scott."

I sigh, running my hands through my hair that now cascades over my shoulders. "Does anyone even know where he is? Has anyone been able to reach him?"

Stiles offers a tiny piece of hope, "I can try his phone. He'll answer me, I know he will."

Deaton speaks up, "Stiles, text him and tell him to meet us so we can go get him from wherever he is." He looks at me, "You need to go home and prepare for a very, very cold bath."

My nose scrunches and I almost laugh at his words, "I'm sorry?"

"I have a plan," hopefully one that doesn't include me taking a cold bath, "May, Scott, and Stiles need to be surrogate sacrifices for their parents."

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