Chapter 1

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The team had just gotten back from a case in Georgia, a good one. They had solved it in just over a day, it was a happy ending. They had no more victims and the unsub was caught quickly and sufficiently. They we're all back in the BAU finishing up the last of their paperwork before they knew it.
"Anyone up for some drinks down at Lou's Bar?"
Tara suggested. Everyone obliged, even Rossi agreeing to join the team. In just under an hour everyone was out of the FBI building. Spencer usually preferred to go home and have some peace and quiet after cases but he had been under a lot stress lately with his mom's Alzheimer's and schizophrenia getting worse over the weeks, he decided that it would be nice to go out with the team, his family. JJ looked happily at her co-worker and best friend, she knew that he had been under a lot of stress lately but he looked the most relaxed right now then he had looked in weeks.
At the bar  everyone began to chat and became a bit too tipsy as they joked together.
"I'd like to see you try." Prentiss said challenging Luke. Him not being one to back up from a dare agreed nonchalantly.
"Oh yeah, I bet I could beat your ass in a game of darts in under five minutes!"
"What about you bet on it huh?" Tara countered, the rest of the team was highly enjoying this little debacle.
Spencer's phone rang and as he looked down to check who was calling him this late, his smile immediately disappeared. He left the room quickly to answer the call. Rossi noticed him leaving but didn't think much about before going back to listening in on the conversation happening.

Spencer's POV:
It was true that i hadn't been myself these past few weeks. I was doing better with my nightmares and well everything. I had started going to therapy reguraly, i was trying really trying to get better and i was. Its been over a year since the Cat and the chameleon debacle. The whole team was really doing better but everything just gets overwhelming sometimes.

But right now I feel okay. We're on our way home from Georgia, it had been an easy case and had ended happily. A man was killing women who resembled his girlfriend after she had broken up with him, leaving him for another woman, making his dislike for them even stronger. He was a psychopath and he'd finally decided to act on his urges but he was inexperienced and that's how we caught him quickly without anymore more victims thankfully. So yeah, for the first in a while I was feeling just fine.
"Anyone up for some drinks down at Lou's Bar?"
Tara asked. Everyone agreed, even Rossi deciding to join us. Luke and Prentiss were having a debate about darts or something when my phone rang. I looked down to see who was calling me and immediately my good mood disappeared. It was the sanitarium where my mom was staying at. I hurriedly left the room and answered.
"Hello, is this Spencer Reid?"

The caller asked.

"Uhh-yeah this him."

"This is Dr. Börster, we need you to come down here immediately."
Fear lingered in my chest as I awaited the answer, hoping with everything in me it wasn't what I thought it was going to be.
"I'm so sorry sir, your mother Diana an Reid.. she's.. gone.."
My heart dropped and for a few seconds the world around me felt like it was spinning. To anyone passing by, I might've just seemed drunk which would make sense considering I'm in a bar.
"Dr. Reid?"
"Uhh- uhm I'll be there in under thirty minutes.."
"I'll see you soon sir. Again so sorry for your loss."
Beep. The nurse hung up on me, before I could think about anything I ran back up to the table where my team sat and grabbed my satchel before starting to rush out again. Then remembering i didn't drive here, should i call an Uber, hail a taxi? My thoughts we're in a turnmoil and i couldn't think straight.
"Spence? Are you okay?"
JJ asked me worriedly, the rest of the team stopped their debacle and looked over at the young doctor.
"Yeah, Reid you're not looking to go-"
Matt tried to finish but Spencer cut him off.
"I need someone to drive me."

"Where? What's going on?"

Narrators POV:
Everyone looked at him confused before Tara volunteered to drive him being the only one who wasn't too drunk to drive. JJ tagged along as they walked out to Tara's car.
"Ok, let's slow down here what's going on with my Junior-Gman??"
Penelope had caught up to them and was very confused and slightly out of breath. Prentiss and everyone else was there now and they we're all looking at Spencer worriedly.
"Yeah, what's going on up there Reid?"
"Oh..uhm i-i.. it's my mom she's...she's..." The team immediately realised what was wrong and started consoling him. Penelope had started silently crying and Emily stood there in shock.

Emily's POV:
I was shocked. Was this the last straw for him? Could he take anymore of this? Penelope was crying and Jj was hugging Spencer but I was standing there dumbfounded. Normally I was good at compartmentalising but when it came to Reid the little brother I never had I was always somehow shocked, unable to move..

Luke's POV:
What did he mean? And then it clicked, his mother she was dead, gone, not in this world anymore. Tara started the car and Reid and everyone else got in. They all had the looks of sorrow on their face including me..

Spencer's POV:
The cars passing by us on the highway seem to not even notice us. They have no idea how my world just shattered into a million pieces, some pieces gone forever. Rationally I know that they would have no way of knowing and that their just living their lives. I'm just another inconspicuous person out of thousands on this highway. Who knows maybe someone else's world just shattered and their driving right by us. I wonder if they're wondering if someone else's did too. I feel like everyone should know what just happened to my mom, well at least more than a handful of people but they don't and they shouldn't I guess but it just-
The car stopped we had arrived yet I didn't move I just sat there dried up tears on my cheek. Tara touches my shoulder.
"Reid I think it's time to go inside"

Authors Note:
I started this a while ago. Let me know if you want more chapters.
FYI this is a around year after season 15 of criminal minds (So, it won't make sense unless you've watched all of the seasons)

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

GoneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon