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"If there was one country you could visit, where would it be?! 1 year ago, 1 YEAR AGO Sanjida, I asked you this, and you said Korea."
"YES I KNOW TYRA, I'm still in a shock phase-"
"And yet here you are!!! Well, there, there you are. IN KOREA, executing your dream life. So how exactly did you end up there, that it was so top secret, that you couldn't tell us till you got to Korea?!"
"Oh right, ok so basically, you know how I was training to be an actress?! And how I also got into this scholarship program?! So for the program I got a chance to pursue one year of school in a foreign country! Of course I'd choose Korea!
"OK BUT THATS NOT TOP SECRET, what about the acting part?!"
"Yea about that, after finding out about my interests, I got an agency offer! After I told them I was moving to Korea for a year, they decided to maximize the opportunity. They need a foreign role in a current kdrama there, and that's me!!! AHHH!"
"AHHHHHH SHUT UP?! Omggggg!!! Launching your career, kdrama style?!"
"YES, I know! I'll receive 2 months of training first though, but hey, two bird with one stone."
"THIS IS LITERALLY SO COOL, I'M GONNA CRYYY. Ok, so when does school start?! Have you made any friends there so far?!"
"YES I KNOWWW, and no, no friends yet, but I still have three days until school starts. I don't really know anyone here yet. Anyway it's really late here so I'll have to talk to you tomorrow!!!"
"OH right, times zones. Ok no problem, and don't worry I'm sure you'll fit in just fine, you already have! I'll talk to you tomorrow then, good night!!"
"Goodnight luv!"
THE NEXT DAY- Bubble Cafe

"Hi! Yea, can I have a medium Jasmine bubble tea please? With a blue straw!"
"Yes ofc!"
"Thank youuu!"
"No problem!" And just like that, she handed me my drink. She's so sweet! Everyone is so sweet here!!! And pretty, so pretty, I have to compose myself.
"HEY, give me that back Gi-woo!" someone just yelled as I turned my head around to look. It was a girl and a dude, the dude was chasing her, I think she stole his wallet. Considering the fact he called out to her by her name, I'm assuming she's not an actual thief, AND HERE SHE COMES-


"OMG, are you all right?! I'M SO SORRY", she said.
"Yea I'm fine no worries, and so is my boba, perfectly safe on the table! Gi-Woo, right?"
"HAHA omg yea, how'd you know?!
"Cause that dude was yelling your name while chasing you."
"OH RIGHT, sorry that was my brother. He was trying to make me pay after bothering me last night. Ugh great, two days in Korea and I'm already publicly humiliating myself."
"OMGGG, two days?! Same! So what brings you here, and where are you from?!"
"Well my reason is really depressing, my grandma Kim Mi-Soo-"
"Oh wait I heard about that on the local news yesterday, she was your grandma?"
"Yup, but I had never met her in person. But now my family has to be here to take care of the family business, and so I'm here for at least a year if anything. I'm from Canada though. How about you?! You said 'SAME'?!"
"OH YES, I'm from NYC! I'm here because of a scholarship program, spending a year here too!!"
"OMGGG, exciting! By the way, what's your name?! I never asked, so sorry."
"No worries! Hi, I'm Sanjida! Also any way I could contact you? Insta or something?"
"You're name is so cute! And yes here's my insta. I'll follow back right now, finally someone to talk to! Omg look at you, 700k followers?!"
"Not bad yourself Gi-Woo, 629k! What's up with that?! Besides being the granddaughter of a famous CEO."
"Oh ha, yea no one really knew about that until a few days ago, but my followers have gone up since. But mostly social media famous. I've shown up on a couple of short movies too, so yea. How about you?"
"OUUU COOL?! As far as I go, also social media too, Tiktok and stuff."
"Well yea, NYC sounds perfect for that!"
"YUP, also short movies?! Acting?!"
"Oh yes, something I plan on pursuing, not a famous actress yet though."
"You'll get there! Just like me!"
"You're into acting too Sanjida?!"
"Yup! I'll let you know more about it later. But for now, which high school are you going to? I'm going to Yongsun High School high school by the way."
"YAY, I figured. They accept foreign students the most, and not knowing how to speak fluent Korean is not a problem there."
"Oh right, I met the principal yesterday. He seemed nice. Either way, can't wait to see you there soon!"
"Oh yes!!! This will be so fun! I'll text you later Gi-Woo! But I gotta go now."
"Okay, I'll see you later then too! Byeee!"

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