Bought Feelings

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           Ok so this is really happening, I'm walking down the hallways of my new high school, following the two most popular guys at school. We are literally the center of attention. And yet, I'm sick. UGH WHY. This is so sad, everything could've been perfect if I just wasn't sick. I'm talking to myself too much, but what else do I do? This is really awkward, what am I supposed to talk about? The guys are having their own conversation, so I turn to Sanjida.
           "So how was your morning?" I ask her realizing we haven't spoken much at all today. The guys glanced back, but continued walking, they probably weren't expecting to hear anything after this long period of silence from us.
"Oh, it was good. How about you?" She responded.
"Mine was good too, what did you eat for breakfast?" As I ask her this we've already exited the school.
"OH RIGHT, I've been craving breakfast from back home so bad!!! So glad my mom forced me to pack pre-made paratha's! I had parathas with gurur mangaho'r jhol! It was so good!" She cried out loud. At this point even the guys had turned around, and we all just stared at her dumbfounded. Tae-jin was smiling, half laughing at this situation that we had no idea what she just said. She looked confused by our reaction then her face lit up. "WHOOPS sorry I forgot you guys had no idea what I'm talking about. Paratha is like a tortilla but more oily? And guru mangsho is just beef curry."
"Ohhhh" all of our faces lightened up. We continued on our walk, I could see the store from here. She asked me what I had eaten, my answer was plain and simple, "cereal".
We had gotten to the entrance of the door. Lee-Jun held the door open, "ladies first" he said.
"Well in that sense you should step in first, here I'll hold the door for you" said back Sanjida out of nowhere, but not in a sassy way, jokingly. I was not expecting that, but it was quite funny. Tae-Jin couldn't hold in his laughter, Sanjida laughed under her breathe too. Lee-Jun just stared at her, I was worried if he actually got offended, but then he looked down and smiled.
"You had this coming" Tae-Jin laughed to Lee-Jun. "Okay, let's actually enter the store now guys."
"Haha, you're so funny" responded Lee-Jun sarcastically, then he walked in with her.
" Yea, she is" said Tae-Jin. Then he walked forward.
"Well then..." he paused. "Well I'll be taking Gi-Woo here to the sanitation aisle to get her some napkins and then some medicine" he said as he held my hand and dragged me along. My heart started to pound really fast, was this seriously happening to me?! Omg omg omg!!! He smoothly took turns through the aisles with my hand in his hand. Sanjida had walked off to the food section as Tae-Jin motioned her. "You okay" he asked me.
"Yea, I'm feeling better thanks. I'm shocked that you even recognized me from last night".
"Of course I did. I'm very attention to detail oriented."
"Oh wow. It's a good skill to have I suppose."
"So what brings you here? To South Korea I mean." he asked.
"Oh, my family is in charge of Ruby Cosmetics. Kim-Mi-Soo was my grandma."
"Ohhhh, I see. I made it to her funeral quite late, a lot of people had left by then. I modeled for Ruby Cosmetics once. We knew she had a family, but we didn't know too much since you guys lived in Canada."
"Oh right, my dad wanted to live out of the spotlight a little. Besides, my mom is from Canada."
I'm surprised he knew anything about me at all.
"Well, welcome I guess. I'm sure you'll be fine here" he smiled.
"Thanks..." I said in a low voice. That was actually quite sweet of him.
"Alright, I grabbed your tissues. Lets go join the others to grab food. I nodded as we walked over to the food aisle, Sanjida and Tae-Jin were already there.
"Which one do you want?" Tae-Jin asked Sanjida from behind her. Sanjida was looking up at the shelves, "uhm the spicy ramen, at the top" she responded without turning back around. She tried to reach up for it, but it was out of her reach. Tae-Jin raised his arm up from behind her and grabbed the noodles. Sanjida turned around quickly and met face to face with Tae-Jin looking down at her. I don't know about her, but my heart would be pounding so fast in that situation. She gently took the noodles from his hands and stepped away saying "thanks" with a nervous laughter. I went to grab some noodles too, but then I sneezed while walking and lost my balance, and Tae-Jin grabbed my shoulders from behind me. "You okay?" he asked. Now my heart was actually pounding fast, I got goosebumps.
"Yea I'm okay, thanks..." I said quietly. Then I grabbed my food, and he grabbed his.
"Uh- come" he said. "I'll bring you to the medicine aisle." I wasn't expecting him to offer that. He was more of the conserved type so far, but I wasn't complaining. I joined him with a smile. I looked back and Lee-Jun had joined Sanjida to get some lunch for himself.
"You probably need some ibuprofen", he said. Then he grabbed it as I put my hand out. He placed it in my hands, I smiled "thanks" looking down on it. But when I looked up he was just staring at me. I looked at him too, not knowing how else to react in this situation. I quickly looked down and gently coughed to clear my throat. He snapped out of it too. It felt as if a weight had been lifted off of me. I took a deep breath and followed him out. We met with the rest at the cash register. While we were paying, a girl on line I recognized was behind us, she mentioned forgetting her wallet in class under her breath. I felt bad.
          "Eun-bok-Jo, right?" I asked her.
          "Oh hi! You're Gi-Woo!" she responded excitedly.
          "Haha yea, if you don't mind, I can pay for your food right now, sorry I overheard you." I said this nervously as I didn't know how she'd react. Normally, I don't care about these things, but I felt bad seeing how hungry she was.
          "Oh- but I-"
          "You can pay me back in class if you'd like" I said. Her face lit up.
          "Now you're talking, yes! Thank you so much!!! You're so kind!"
          "Ahah, no worries!"
          "Woah, that's really sweet of you Gi-Woo" chipped in Tae-Jin. I said thanks again, but I was seriously hoping that I wasn't blushing. I felt all flustered, I paid and then Eun-bok-Jo went her way. There were tables outside, so we headed there. We all sat down at this one table.
         "Okay hear me out, y'all can't laugh at me for my chopstick skills, they're not the best" said Sanjida.
         "Oh no, I'm with you on that one, same."
         "We'll try not to" Lee-Jun said with a mischievous smile, pushing his bangs back looking the other way. Tae-Jin shoved him.
"Of course we won't" Tae-Jin reassured us. Well then, Bon appétit I guess.

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