Finale of the First Day

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"Ou! Uhm wait, you were at nothing. We didn't actually talk about anything yet" laughed Tyra.
"Oh right! So what's up? What's new?!" I ask her in excitement. Though it's only been a few days, I feel like I've missed out on so much. Even though I'm pretty sure nothing in particular happened back home, I'm kind of used to this mindset that I'm always a part of everything all the time. Which isn't even true, but it gives me a sense of reassurance?
"Nothing much! Just our second week of senior year started! We all really miss you out here, but we know how you're literally achieving all your dreams out there! So don't worry about it too much! I just wanted to check in on ya" she said calmly. So what about you?! You should be the one updating me!".
"ALRIGHT, I actually made a friend who's in a similar situation as me! She is here for a year too, well that's all we're certain of as of now anyway. And so we're the newbies! Also, she's into acting! Rich. They're also rich, BUT I AM KINDA TOO NOW, will be even more!".
"WOAH, THATS SO COOL! It's always easier with someone else around. How are your classmates? THE GUYS-"
"OMG SHUT UP. You won't believe this!" I bursted out.
"Well, way to cut someone out. BUT WHAT IS IT?!" She exclaimed.
"Oh yea, sorry. Okay so obviously I'm surrounded by cute guys. But the two most popular rich cool guys, ATE LUNCH WITH US TODAY?! And like they're talking to us. ITS SO WACK, but we're gonna play it off cool."
"OH. MY. GAWD." Then she started speaking really fast but it went something like "THIS" "KDRAMALIFE" "UNREALISTIC TURN REALITY" "WAITING FOR".
"YEA YEA IK! I'll send you their instas later today. But I gotta go now! Lunch is over!"
"OH okay okay! Byeee! Ttyl!"
"Bye!" And now we run. The doors were still open and I went into the classroom. The room wasn't too full yet, so I wasn't late. Gi-Woo was sitting in her seat, but the guys were sitting in the empty seats near her.
"She made it. I told you she would." Tae-Jin said with pride.
"Wait what's going on?" I ask.
"The guys were betting on weather you'd make it back on time or not." said Gi-Woo. "Lee-Jun thought you'd be late-"
"We'll of course he did. Mr. Kdrama here probably thinks I'm the clumsy girl who's gonna be late to class." I said while squinting my eyes at him.
"Yea you may have not been late to class, but clumsy... definitely was right of me to sought you out as the clumsy one." He smiled while leaning back, still looking at me. I was abouta say something when I realized what he was talking about. Earlier this morning... Okay that was quite stupid of me, I'm actually clumsy to him now. BUT I DON'T WANNA BE PERCEIVED IN THAT WAY. I got allflustered up and finally spoke.
"Yea, whatever" I said while rolling my eyes. Tae-Jin smiled while looking down, but he was trying his best to be subtle about it. THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING FOR ME. Please don't let him think I'm clumsy too. This is so sad. "Well..." I muster up. "What does Mr. Kdrama think of Gi-Woo?!" Gi-Woo got startled and looked at me with that 'what the heck are you doing I'm gonna kill you after this!' look. I gave her that 'hehe please forgive me and please just go along with it for now' nervous smile kinda look back.
"Although I have no evidence of this yet. Gi-Woo gives me the intelligent, smart, hard working girl vibe. It's pretty cool." He responded. And although she was initially looking distressed staring at me, when she heard his response she turned to look at him and her face melted into an awe look. Glorified. She said thanks. I didn't think much of it though, I'm just glad she's not mad at me anymore. I think... The teacher walked in soon and everyone went back to their seats. The rest of the day was pretty easy-going. Me and Gi-Woo were given all the required books we would need for this year. Then we got ready for dismissal. The guys left early as soon as the bell rang. Apparently they had something to attend to, not that it matters. Soon two guys and one girl approached us. It was Eun-Bok-Jo! One of em at least. Gi-Woo was packing up behind me.
"Oh hey Eun-Bok-Jo!" I waved.
"Omg hi! You remember my name?!" She said with a big smile.
"Yea, of course I do, lol! It's such a pretty name!"
"Aw thank you!!! Oh! Let me introduce you. This is Hyun-a, the class clown, and Kim-Tae-So, the class clowns chill friend."
"Hey! I don't like this introduction of yours!" complained Hyun-a.
"I don't mind it" smiled Kim-Tae-So while shrugging his shoulders.
"Hey-" Hyun-a said. But he couldn't figure out what to say next. I laughed quietly looking down. Hyun-a had glasses, but he looked cute with them on. Kim-Tae-So didn't have glasses, but he had straight cut bangs, and straight hair. The hairstyle really suited him. I said hi to both of them to ease the situation.
"Hey!" "Hello!" They both waved back.
"You guys are the new girls, but you're already racking up some attention around here." Said Kim-Tae-So.
"You mean popularity." Added Hyun-a.
"What'd you mean? Gi-Woo joined us.
"No- we mean that people have noticed you guys. Not that that's a bad thing, new people, they're always noticed. But you guys did just have lunch with the two most popular guys on your first day. And you guys are really pretty!" Eun-Bok-Jo laughed.
"Oh right" said Gi-Woo. "Hehe..."
"Yea, we don't know why that happened either. Luck? It just happened, but I don't think it was anything serious. Soooo, you guys....?" I asked.
"Oh yea! We're like a trio thing. We chill with the class most of the time, but sometimes it just boils down to just us three. Most of us, the entire class I mean, have been in the same schools our entire lives. But we just wanted to say hi? Make some new friends?" The guys smiled awkwardly with that behind her. Me and Gi-Woo both looked at each other. Then we laughed.
"Are you kidding?! Of course!" She said.
"Yea! We were scared no one else would want to talk to us! Count us in! We'd love to be a part of the gang!" I added in. They looked relieved and smiled.
"Well we're pretty sure the rest are just a bit too intimidated to approach you guys yet, but we're cool" said Hyun-a. Kim-Tae-So laughed to that last comment. And soon so did all of us. I looked at everyone's faces in our group, laughing, sun shinning in bright though the windows. I knew it would be a moment I would never forget.
We all walked out. We shared most of the walk home, but then eventually parted ways. I got home quickly. I took a shower and set up a study desk with my new books. Even though I was in a temporary small house dorm for now, soon I was to be shifted to a host family apparently. It felt weird. Not having a stable place, not that it was scary. It was weird just not being home. And alone. I didn't like being alone. Although there others in the nearby rooms, they were all much older than me, and I was only here for a few days. I know they're all sweet though, they kindly greeted me. But I don't know man. Adult stuff, I didn't see a way for me to possibly fit myself into hanging out with them or even talking to for too long. But they said I can approach them if I need any help at all, or if I feel scared. They even invited me too a movie night this Friday. I'm actually excited about that.
The dorm caretakers said I could grab dinner downstairs now, knocking at my door. I thought it was really sweet of the dorm to provide us with meals, this scholarship was a whole steel! But I feel so Blessed! I ate dinner and called my mom. Caught her up on everything, and said hey to the rest of my family. She was so relieved, and I was too. The call was happy, it made me happy. She reminded me of all the things I needed to take care of. And I promised I will. Soon I shared the instas with Trya. Then I got into bed early. I didn't wanna be late tomorrow. Can't give Lee-Jun another excuse to call me clumsy again tomorrow. I smiled at the thought for a moment, but then shut my eyes. At least Tae-Jin bet I would get there in time. I forgot that little detail, so maybe he didn't see me as clumsy! Maybe he even thought I was conscious and mature! Then I drifted off into a dream. I was having a nice walk with Tae-Jin in the park.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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