Scion Was Born

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Thuxa sat in her cell the whole day, barley moving an inch. She spent the rest of the day weeping in the cell until she eventually cried herself to sleep. One of the worst nights she's had, she dreamed of the execution over and over again. And sometimes it would replaced with herself, or even her kids. She woke up in a flash after the nightmare, covered in sweat and panting loudly, though noticing her surroundings are different. She was no longer in the cell, but back in her manor's chambers, laying in her bed. Was everything a dream? A horrible nightmare that plagued her mind? She wished it to be true, but deep down she knew it was real. 

After a few minutes, Xyzo would enter the room, holding what seemed to be a glass of water, out of his armor and into more comfortable clothes. "Hello my love... hope you slept well." He would say, walking over to Thuxa. Thuxa would start to feel angered again, just at the sheer sight of the Kaidon. "Do not call me your love. I am not and will never be your love." She says as she goes to stand out of bed. "Oh but you will be soon, sweetie. I love females with fire in them like you." He says as he takes a sip of the water "Come on, go get dressed and come to the dining room. Breakfast is ready. And then after you eat, you have something new to put on..." He says before walking out of the room. Thuxa hesitated for a moment before deciding to comply... for now. Yes, she would already plan to escape from a beast like him. No way would she shame her and her clan by marrying her husband's murderer. But for now she must comply, but it wont be for long. 

Thuxa put on a short dress for herself, something comfortable for the time being, before she walks out of the bedroom and heads through the manor to the main dining room. While on her way, she would look out the window, seeing how quickly they're changing the plays. All Eyes of Sangheilios flags were taken down and replaced with Suban's Wrath flags and the enemy clan was walking around freely, like they owned the place already. The sight filled Thuxa with more anger and some worry. She worries about what happened to the rest of her clan who surrendered, she hopes they were not killed off like her husband, hoping that maybe they're imprisoned or forced into labor, but even those thoughts made her more worried. 

When she arrived at the dining room, the table would seem empty and Suban's Wrath servants are working through the kitchens, cleaning the place up already after the mess their soldiers made parading the place. She would sit down on one of the end chairs at the table and shortly after, another person walks up to her, a male servant and puts down a plate of food, saying "Here you are, maddam. Hope you enjoy." before walking away. Thuxa would start to eat and think about something. She would think about what Xyzo was trying to do, trying to give her lots of luxury to trick her into falling for him later on and having her to be more open to the thought of marriage. She would not be fooled, hailing from a clan of scientists and free thinkers, her mind is strong, and her intelligence would prove to be her best weapon in this situation, perhaps the best weapon she'll ever have. 

Thuxa would eat rather quickly. After she was done, the servant who served her would take her dirty plate away and retreat back into the kitchen. Thuxa would sit at the table and wait for the Kaidon to come to her, which he did after what seemed to be 15 minutes. "Ah, you're awake. Come on, there's something waiting for you." He says and walks out the room, and soon Thuxa would get up and follow him. "Since your... Kaidon is gone now, by tradition, you're now branded with a new title." Says Xyzo while walking down to the basement to the mini armory they have. He would walk up to a little pod before going to open it up. There would be the armor of Scion, having a brownish color to the armor. "There, you are now Scion. Go ahead, try it on." 

Thuxa would look down as she thinks of her dead husband once again, but she wouldn't take too long as she stripped herself of her dress and grabs the helmet of the armor and looks at it intently. Before she would put it on, she would look over to Xyzo and says "No... not until I want it looking the way I want it." So as she does, she would walk over to another station of the armory and puts down the helmet. Then she would reach under the workbench and pulls out a couple paint buckets. Thuxa had a bit of a hobby painting their clan's armor however they wanted for a small fee. It made her feel happy and relaxed back in the day. "You're going to paint the armor...? Fine... but be quick about it." Says Xyzo with a displeased look on his face. He would exit the room and Thuxa would get to work. 

After about an hour, Xyzo would return to the basement "Are you about done in there? I have things to-" He would speak as he returned to the basement, but was cut off at the sight of Thuxa. Thuxa would be standing at the doorway, wearing her new Scion armor, now sporting a new color scheme. Violet for the primary color and steel for the secondary color, the colors of the Eyes of Sangheilios. 

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