Chapter 31: Apron Strings

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After final exams, there was a single day of classes before the students were off for summer break. The training camp, to which everyone was going, would be in a week's time, but until then they were free to stay at the dorms or return home if they wanted. Shouto was the only one who had opted to stay at school, but the class had planned a few fun outings for the week, so he wouldn't be stuck inside. The rest of them went home to enjoy a little time with their families before training started back up.

"Are you sure you'll be OK on your own?" Izuku asked as he'd shouldered his bag to leave.

"I'll be fine," Shouto promised, with his small, peaceful smile he seemed to reserve for Izuku and Hitoshi. "I'm going to visit my mom tomorrow, and I'll see you again soon."

"Call if you need us," Hitoshi instructed, and Shouto nodded.

All Might drove Izuku home after school on the final day of class. He had been going to see Izuku's mother periodically over the second half of the semester, and he chattered about what had been going on with her as they drove. Izuku had been under the impression he'd just been going to tell her about Izuku's progress, but he talked so animated and so much about how she'd been doing that it seemed they'd strayed onto a few other topics.

It was a given this time that All Might would come in and have tea, and Izuku put his bag in his room while the adults talked. He came back to find them already deep in conversation, so much so that he found himself sitting at the table quietly, unable to contribute. Even when the topic turned to heroes Izuku's mother mentioned his opinion without letting him give it voice before diving right back into the discussion. It was, at least, a relief to know her thoughts on certain less-than-inspiring heroes were genuine, and not just held to humor him.

"Endeavor just doesn't seem to have much of a care for his supporters," she said critically, before taking a sip of her tea.

"He's a fine hero who's saved many lives," All Might protested, too busy paying attention to Izuku's mother to make much of a showing of support for Endeavor.

"Being good at his job is all well and good," she said flippantly, "but does he mind his manners? What good is he as a role model if he behaves like a child?"

"He's civil enough to get along with," All Might hedged, but Izuku could tell his heart wasn't in it.

"Do you know him?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not well," All Might had to lie to cover his identity. He'd kept it a secret so long, Izuku figured it would be weird to tell her now. "Not enough to pass judgement anyway."

"I think he's a jerk," Izuku piped up, but was predictably ignored.

"I don't care for how he talks about his rivals either," his mother said, again sipping her tea daintily. "He's much too critical of All Might, of all people."

All Might cleared his throat, but didn't cough up blood.

After what felt like an unusually long time All Might declared that he couldn't impose himself upon them any more, and left after only three more of the long, lingering looks Izuku was starting to accept were just how the two adults interacted. His mother returned to the kitchen table and sighed dreamily for a few moments, and Izuku watched her carefully while she didn't think he was looking. She seemed happy, but in a way that she wasn't happy very often. It was a quiet sort of happiness, small and secret, when usually she would be trying to match the energy of Izuku's happy excitement. Izuku decided he was happy for her, even if the source seemed to be All Might, which was almost too weird to think about.

"Now," said his mother, snapping him out of his contemplation of her mood, "I want to hear everything from you! Tell me all about how your training has been going!"

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