A space for feelings

19 3 8

Tension gushing down the blood stream,
Head seems too foggy,
Ears trying to cut off every sound,
Eyes willing to flood;
Fingers trying to find something sharp,
Wishing had long nails;n
To scratch off this numbness,
Letting the tension flow out;
Wanting to feel some pain
To fight off this feeling
Thoughts runing behind making it worse.

Heart pounding to speak,
When mouth opens
No voice seems to be heard,
Head wants to be bang-ed.
Sharp pain strikes heart,
As if punishing itself.

Emotional mess trying to cut off from world,
Can't though too addicted to world to cut off so easily;
Wishing to be a child again who doesn't know about world.
Heart breaks seeing the loved in pain
It forgets to heal and starts helping them,
Working like workholic  for others
But what about yourself?



Found this while cleaning my messy table 😂... Changed some lines and here I. Post it .. Wrote this a few weeks back... I am doing good now ☺

The song above stays close to my heart since the day I found it. (≡^∇^≡)

[✔] FeelingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora