Ignorant World

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Just a girl .....
How beautiful she plays the violin.
We 're too ignorant of this fact,
Because we are busy noticing her zero fat.

Another girl tall in height,
She is confident in it , with no fright.
"Hi , Eiffel tower" , says the brats,
But did you notice she can touch the skies?

There's a boy out there with no abs ,
Don't question his name his masculinity
Because that's not a man's only ability.

Hello, ignorant world take some time out,
Talk to these beautiful people out loud.
They're human so not perfect,
We all have a little bit of defect.

Take some time out,
Here them out.
Our body is a gift from God,
Respect everyone's till your own lasts.

We can be fat or skinny,
We can be tall or short,
We can be fair or dark,
But we are humans
And beautiful in whatever we are .

Note:  This not mine . I read it on magzine , loved it and shared with you.

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