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Hey, Buddy thanks for being my friend,
It has been years of our friendship,
I am very lucky to have you,
Thankyou God for bringing,
Such a wonderful person in my life.

We share a lot of memories together,
I hope you remember our promise!!
It has been months since we last met .
And we both are longing to see eachother.
Don't worry we will meet soon ,dear.

You know me so well that,
You can even make out,
If I am sad or low ,
By just hearing my voice on phone,
I am really blessed to have you.

I love you buddy .
May God help us to keep ,
Our friendship forever.
I wish the bond between us
Last forever.


Note : I dunno what i wrote this time .
I dunno if it counts as poem .
I just wrote my feelings for my bestie whom I miss very much!

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