2021 Update (No, J.D. did not kill me)

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Hey guys, it's been a while. Three years as a matter of fact. In those three years I went from being in my freshman year of high school to now being in my senior year of high school. Amazing how time works, innit? I never intended to leave the story on a cliff hanger or anything like that, honestly I didn't know my dumb little Heathers story would get so stinkin' popular! (Yes, I consider 10 people asking for an update "popular" TwT)

My computer ended up crapping out on me a couple weeks probably after the last chapter and then I just never got another laptop (my preferred platform for writing). Then after that I was busy with high school and such...I forgot all about this page! By happenstance, I downloaded the Wattpad app so I could read a story I wanted to and BAM! Remembered my old account. I saw my story I had started and read it out of curiosity and ended up seeing all of you guys in the comments wanting more. I don't know why considering my writing wasn't very good then and there's a lot of decisions I made that I cringe at looking back. So I decided with my furthered strength in writing and my ability to update more, I'd try to continue and finish the story!

My plan is as follows; First, I plan to finish the story to get that out of the way. Once that is done, I want to go back and revamp the original four chapters as they kinda suck and I find them embarrassing. I've improved a lot more in the three years since that first chapter and you guys deserve quality. I'm also not sure if I ever discussed this, but I planned on the story having multiple paths as well. I think my original plan was to obviously end the chapters with options with links to the story leading after that.

Example: "Do you want to go to the movies with me?" J.D. asked.

"I'd love to!" [insert link to the chapter where you accepted his invitation to the movies here]

"That'd be nice, but I promised Martha we'd work on science together." [insert link to chapter where you reject J.D.'s invite here]

Note: This is just a made up scenario I made to demonstrate my idea. I am 99% certain there will not be a chapter where you choose between going to the movies or helping Martha XD

I need to brush up on my Heather's knowledge as I haven't watched the musical in 3 years. I kind of just fell out of it, oops. Anyway, that's pretty much the plan for this story going forward! I may also make other "X Readers", I may not. Idk! I do know right now I'm going to revamp my "about me" page because that is horribly outdated ;-; I hope you guys will like my new chapters just as much as the old ones, and thank you all for your support. It means the world to me. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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