Chapter 20

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Alex's pov:

I sighed for the nth time as I stared at the closed door.

We can all feel his fear and anxiety.

But he refuses to talk to anyone or come out of his room.

We could open the door if we wanted to but that would only serve to terrify him even more.

Why is this child so scared of us?

None of the little were this terrified when they first appeared.

"Can you tell us why you're so scared at least? So we can try and not do the things that make you scared?" I asked leaning on the doorframe.

I perked up when I heard small footsteps coming towards the door.

I moved away from the doorframe a bit so he won't get startled when he opens the door.

The doorknob rattled a bit. I could tell he was struggling to open it.

"I can open it. Is it ok if I open it?" I asked.

I smiled widely when I heard a very small, barely audible "ok".

I slowly opened the door.

There he was.

He was wearing oversized clothes and was fiddling with them nervously.

I knelt to match his eye level.

"Hello. My name is Alex." I said softly.

He hummed softly.

He kept his gaze on the floor.

"Do you have a name?" I asked.

He shook his head.

I slowly reached out and patted his head gently.

"That's ok. We'll find one which you like." I assured.

He looked at me.

I smiled warmly.

"N-not an-gry?" He asked in a small voice.

I blinked.


"Why do you think I would be angry?"

"I-I'm b-ad... Al-ways..." I could see tears forming in his eyes.

I pursed my lips.

So he has Blake's memories.

I wiped his tears gently.

"You're not bad. Not at all. None of us are angry at you. I promise."

"Rea-lly?" He looked at me with big eyes that resembled a puppy's.

"Really." I nodded firmly.

He visibly relaxed at that.

So that's why he didn't want to come out.

He was scared that we would be angry at him and would hurt him.

"Do you want to meet the others? The kids have been dying to play with you." I smiled.

He blinked. "Th-ey won't... Hu-rt?"

"No one here will ever hurt you in any way," I said reassuringly.

He slowly nodded.

I moved a bit closer and gently scooped him up in my arms.

He was a bit startled and held onto me tightly.

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