The Boy Feared By Time

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Jiya typed madly at the keyboard, silencing the loud bunker alarms before turning her attention to the information scrolling on her screen. She knew the rest of the bunker's occupants had gathered behind her. She announced, "Passau, Germany...uh...January 1894."

The silence from the team was enough for Agent Christopher. She knew none of them had an idea of why Rittenhouse had chosen that particular time. She nodded curtly. "Head out. Be safe."

The usual four-man crew climbed into the Lifeboat as quickly as they could. The hatch shut and the machine whirled to life. It vanished from the present, launching itself through time to their destination.


The team emerged from the Lifeboat, shivering from the cold winter weather. As they trudged through the few inches of snow on the ground into town, Rufus blew hot air into his hands before asking, "Is there a complaint office for Rittenhouse? I mean, is it so hard for them to pick a nice warm place to screw up history in? What about...the Caribbean?"

Lucy's voice trembled as she replied, "Well, there were the pirates, genocide, slavery-"

"Fine! How about just a place warmer than the old freezer-burned fish sticks back at the bunker?" Rufus retorted. "I mean, I don't know who asked for those but...I think it's safe to say they are popsicles now!"

"Like your fingers?" Wyatt joked. Rufus glared at him as they rounded the corner into the town. If it didn't mean pulling his hands from the warmth of his pockets, Rufus would have smacked him.

Passau sat on the edge of the Austrian border where three rivers intersected. There was a large mission near the town square. Several houses lined the river banks on all fronts. Just behind the church was a crate full of donations for the immigrants and poor, mostly old clothes, shoes, some jewelry, books, and other things. The team wasted no time to dress properly for the time and weather.

They stepped into the church with their gathered items, slipping into the confession's box to change. When they emerged into the main hall of the church, Lucy's eyes roamed the elegant paintings and delicately carved details in the oak banisters.

As she roamed the open hall, taking in the beauty within the four walls, she lifted her brown eyes to the crucifix of Jesus hanging from the glass-stained window wall. Each pane of the stained glass depicted a different story of Jesus's life. She was amazed at the details of the artistry.

A voice cleared behind them. When they turned around, the priest began speaking to them. Wyatt immediately began to speak on their behalf. Flynn neared Lucy and Rufus, quietly translating, "He was telling us the time of services."

Flynn's gaze turned back to Wyatt and the priest. He continued, "Wyatt's asking him if he's seen anything or anyone unusual..." a short chuckle came from Flynn before he said, "He said us..." he stopped, brows furrowing. "And four others..."

Rufus's face scrunched up. "You don't think this is a Bloodstone mission, do you?"

Flynn shook his head, eyes drifting to the door of the church. "No, I don't think this is a Bloodstone mission."

"How do you know that?" Rufus asked. "Did he say that?"


"Well then-"

"He didn't have to," Flynn cut him off again. "Because Emma is standing right there."

The team glanced over to the door to the church. Standing there with her gloved hands clasped together before her, Emma smiled at them. Behind her were three men - one of them Flynn recognized as the one who had been with Tenley on the train and who took her from him in Atlantic City.

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