Chapter 3: "This isn't happening. I must be dreaming."

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He reached down to kiss me, and I laughed because his long hair tickled my nose. I pushed it back behind his head, smiling as we stared at each other for a moment before he leaned in and connected our lips.

"Sorry I got home so late. You didn't need to wait up," he murmured as he rolled off of me after we spent the next few minutes kissing.

"I was watching a movie anyway...I'll always wait for you," I said with a laugh as he rolled his eyes.

I rolled onto my side to face him, tucking my arm underneath my head as I met his gaze again. "What do you think about moving somewhere new?"

"Yeah? Like where?" He asked as he picked his hand up, lightly tracing shapes on the inside of my arm.

"Stop that," I giggled as I moved my arm. "That tickles."

He moved his hand down to my side and squeezed. I shrieked and landed on my back with a laugh, and he took this opportunity to jump on top of me, pinning me down as he tickled my sides.

"Han! Han! Stop it!" I laughed as I unsuccessfully pushed his hands away after many attempts. "Pleeeease!"

"Okay, okay, but only because you said please," He smirked as he leaned down to kiss my nose, his hair tickling my face again. "Where did you want to move to?" He asked, still on top of me.

"Australia," I answered as he looked at me with a small nod. "It's pretty there."

"I bet we could find a quiet spot. Nobody would bug us. No more business deals...let's do it."

"Really?" I asked, leaning up on my elbows with a huge smile on my face. "You really mean it?"

"Home is anywhere as long as I'm with you."


"And...done!" Tori said with a grin as she pulled back the tattoo gun from my wrist. "What do you think?"

I brought my arm up to look at the newly placed tattoo and smiled, tears beginning to pool in my eyes. "It's perfect. I love it so much. Thank you for squeezing me in, Tori, much do I owe you?" I asked as I sat up, going to get my purse off the chair.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Audrey," She said, making me turn around. "Really, don't. It's my gift to you."

"Tori, I can't just let you do that for free. It took a couple hours out of your busy schedule," I said as I reached for money in my wallet.

"Yes, but seeing your reaction when you looked at the tattoo was all I needed. I wasn't going to charge you anyway. You're my best friend. And I'd do anything to make you feel better."

I pouted as those tears spilled over onto my cheeks, and walked over to Tori and engulfed her in a huge hug, pulling away after a couple seconds.

"Thank you. I know Han would've loved it."

"He loved everything about you," She smiled as she wiped my eyes with her thumbs. "He was a good man, and I am still so incredibly sorry for your loss."

"Thanks again, Tori. You're a beautiful person," I said as I picked up my purse. "I should get going. I told Sean I would meet him and Twinkie for lunch. I haven't gotten out much."

"Go do that, and have fun! It'll be good for you," She said as she walked me out of the shop. "I'll see you soon!"

I waved bye to Tori and set off down the street to go meet Twinkie and Sean, glancing down at my tattoo every now and then, smiling when I did so.

*** COMPLETED *** Until the World Explodes (Han Seoul-Oh)Where stories live. Discover now