Chapter 14: "It's not too late."

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"You alright?" Dom asked when I finally showed up to dinner. "You're more late than usual."

"I'm fine," I muttered under my breath as I felt all eyes on me. I knew they could tell something was wrong, but I didn't come to talk about my problems. "Really."

"Are you sure?" Dom questioned as he raised his eyebrow while I nodded.

He didn't believe me, but he didn't question me any further and left me alone, which I had never been more thankful for. Mia and Tej had come over to where I was sitting, but I didn't feel like talking to them much either.

When they walked away, I was sitting criss-crossed on the air conditioner focusing on one of the oil spots on the ground. If I focused on anything or looked at anyone else, I thought I was going to burst into tears.

"You can't tell me that there's nothing going on," The voice I loved hearing so much said from behind me as he sat down next to me and placed his arm around my shoulders - now that everyone knew, we didn't have to hide anything anymore. "What's wrong?"

"I'm failing two classes, and I don't know if I can pull my grades up by the time the semester ends. There aren't many assignments left, and I'm burnt out. I don't wanna do it anymore," I said as my voice cracked while my eyes filled with fresh tears. "I don't want to do this anymore."

"So don't," Han said gently as I rested my head on his shoulder. His hand had moved and was now rubbing my back. "Quit. Do what you want to do."

"Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to be that easy," I mumbled as I brought one of my hands up to wipe my eyes. It smacked my school badge on the way up, so I took it off and held it in my hands, looking down at it. "My parents would probably disown me, and then kick me out."

"You'd still have a place to go," He said quietly, which made me look up at him. "You think I'd let you be homeless?"

I was so upset about finding out that I was failing two of my classes that it didn't quite register in my head that Han was basically asking me to move across the world.

"What?" I asked, raising one of my eyebrows. "Where would I possibly go?"

"With me," He answered simply. "You can come and live with me in Tokyo."

"Across the world?" I asked again. "You'd just let me move in with you?"

He nodded, watching me as my brain tried to comprehend what he'd just said.

"Yes," Han said as his hand now moved to hold mine and lock our fingers together. "I just wouldn't let you live on the streets. You let me know when you're ready. I know it's a big change."

I nodded slowly as I looked up at him from our linked hands.

"Okay," I said with a small half smile that made him smile as he kissed the side of my head. "I just need to tell my parents that I'm failing two classes, and I already know that it won't go over well..."

"I'll be here whenever you're ready."


"Do you want me to stay in here with you?" Han asked quietly from behind me as he rubbed my shoulders. "I can go upstairs or out to the garage."

"Stay here," I muttered quietly as I sat at the kitchen table, where I'd been sitting for about 45 minutes. "You don't have to talk to her, but I don't want to talk to her alone."

He nodded and leaned down to kiss the top of my head before moving to sit down in one of the chairs next to me but out of view of the iPad camera. With a slightly shaky hand, I propped it up against the vase on the table and took a deep breath before pressing the call button next to my mom's contact. Han was holding my other hand tightly under the table.

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