Chapter 3: Why are they here?

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Akari felt an odd sensation as the seal was released. Then she felt herself falling. Opening her eyes she saw ground approaching rapidly. With her hair flailing all over her face, she managed to call out to Naruto.

"Naruto! Transform!"

Her cousin locked eyes with Akari and he nodded. Kurama burst forth, catching Akari. But when Naruto went to grab the others, he realized they weren't there!

Akari and Naruto landed on the ground, sending trees scattering and dirt flying in the air. Akari shook the hair from her face and looked at Naruto.

"Where are the others?"

Naruto shook his head, "I don't know. I'm sure they're fine. After all, Sasuke has his Rinnegan."

Akari shuffled through her coat to find the scroll. Naruto peered over her, looking at the scrolls content.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I don't know." Akari replied, "Whatever it is we need to find the others, and fast. If the Sage of Six Paths wanted to warn us about the scroll, there was a reason."

Naruto opened his mount to reply, but his head snapped to the West. "I've got multiply chakras coming our way."

Akari looked through their surroundings and spotted a tree with a lot of coverage. "We're hiding." She grabbed Naruto's wrist and they bolted to the tree. "I need you to keep still and be quiet."

Akari put her hands in a tiger seal and put her hand on the branch she and Naruto were on. Peering out of the branch, she spotted three people making their way into the clearing. Akari's eyes narrowed. The chakra signatures are familiar, but why?

"Brother! Please wait for us!"

A man with long brown hair raced into the clearing, quickly followed by two men, one with white hair and the other with long black hair.

Naruto snapped his head to Akari making motions with his hand. Akari nodded and made the motion to stay put for now.

"Hashirama!" that confirmed it. It was Hashirama, Tobirama, and....Madara. Naruto's eyes were frantic, as if asking, 'Why are they here?'

Akari shrugged. But waited for the three to make a conversation.

Finally the other two caught up to Hashirama. "Brother! You must wait for us. We have no idea what the sound was."

Hashirama looked unnerved, while Tobirama went frantic over his brother. As the argument was about to escalate, Tobirama snapped his head to the tree Naruto and Akari were hiding in.

'Crap! I forgot Tobirama was one of the best sensor ninja's of the time! Of course he'd know we're here!'

Naruto looked just as frantic and Tobirama called out, "Whoever is hiding in that tree, come out now!"

Naruto and Akari both knew there wasn't a way out of this one. Akari whispered to Naruto, "I'm going first. They might recognize me as an Uzumaki. It's risky because we don't know if the village has made an alliance with Ushigakure yet."

"Ok. But be careful."

Akari released the seal and jumped from the tree. Ready to jump back to Naruto.

Tobirama had kunai ready to throw, but lowered it as he spotted the red hair. "An Uzumaki?"

Madara took no chance and dashed towards Akari. Akari jumped back to the tree as Naruto jumped down, sending Kurama's tail as a defense.

His tails shook as he prevented the attack from Madara and pushed him back to Tobirama and Hashirama.

Madara smirked, "Not bad. Who are you?"

Akari put a hand to her chest, "I'm Akari Uzumaki! And this is Naruto Uzumaki. We're here from Ushigakure but were ambushed."

Tobirama crossed his arms, "It seems like she's telling the truth. No other clan has that distinct hair color. Brother? What do you think?"

Hashirama had remained quiet till now but opened his mouth to speak. "Very well. Though we weren't expecting any Uzumaki's to join us this soon, I'm sure Mito will be happy to see fellow Uzumaki's. Please, follow us to the village."

Akari tugged Naruto along as he took a quick glimpse at Madara, who was looking at Naruto, who looked away very fast.

"Don't do anything to say we're from the future. We can't let them figure that out until I figure out the scroll. Got it?"

"Yep. Loud and clear." whispered Naruto, "But we still need to find Sasuke, Sakura, and Hinata."

"I know, but we need a way inside the village. We'll find them."

Madara eyed the pair as they conversed quietly. Subtly, he fell into place with the two, walking along side them. The two froze up, before continuing to walk.

Without inclining much, he spoke, "I see the girl is a true Uzumaki, but the blonde?"

Naruto stammered over his next words, "I-I'm a half Uzumaki. My father was taken in by them at an early age after they found his village destroyed."

"I see." came Madara's reply. "And you, Akari. How long did it take you to set up that disguise?"

Akari blinked, not sure how to respond to the question, "That was one of my premade seals. But it takes me a few seconds to make a relatively good cover."

Madara closed his eyes and nodded, "You must be very inept in the art of sealing. And at such a young age no less."

Akari stiffened, "Yes sir!"

Naruto stifled a laugh at Akari's behavior. Akari jerked her head at her cousin, before whacking him on the head.

Madara eyed their behavior, not sure what to make of it.

Akari took a deep breath before speaking up, "Have you by chance seen any others who appeared in the area?"

"No. You two were the first we've seen outside Konohagakure. Were there others in your party?" questioned Madara.

Akari had to choose her next words carefully, "Yes. The ambush separated us and we ended up here. There were three others with us. One with pink, purple, and black hair."

"I see. We'll keep an eye out for them."

Akari bowed her head slightly, "Thank you very much!"

Madara blinked slightly, not expecting an Uzumaki to be so calm around him. Turning his head to look at the blonde, who was laughing silently at Akari's conversation with Madara, he asked, "You, blonde. Would you walk with Hashirama and Tobirama?"

Naruto's reaction was the same as Akari. He stiffened but relaxed a second later, "Yes sir!"

Naruto shuffled ahead, and Hashirama took notice and struck up a conversation with the Uzumaki, while Tobirama sweat dropped in the background.

Madara looked at Akari, "Now that your friend is gone. Tell me, what made your clan accept him so easily?"

Akari made a slight laugh before replying, "Oh, they didn't!"

Madara was not expecting that answer from someone who seemed to be close with the red head.

"Can I ask?"

Akari nodded before going into Naruto's story, "Well, his father married an Uzumaki after the rescued him. So the idea that there's was a half Uzumaki running around didn't exactly make them feel at ease. But they saw how hard Naruto worked for the clan and he showed his potential. Since then, he's been working even harder! He's even given direct missions from our leader!"

"Thank you for that explanation...Akari."


"Thank you for showing me there's always something above prejudice."

Akari tilted her head, "You're welcome?"

Madara blinked funnily at Akari's response before turning back to face the road ahead. He then locked eyes with Hashirama, who gave him a smile, happy to see Madara conversing with someone. Madara looked away, not sure wanting to seem like he wanted his approval for his choice.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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