Chapter 1

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Thoughts: 'Blah. Blah. Blah."

Flashback: Blah. Blah. Blah. ( [END]FLASHBACK before/after them)

Hedwig: "Blah. Blah. Blah."

Parseltongue: {Blah. Blah. Blah.}

Letters/Articles/Writing: Blah. Blah. Blah.

Chapter 1

Harry and Draco's summer passed by in a blur of laughter and ecstasy. Harry had moved in immediately after the trial and he honestly couldn't be happier. Of course, he still has bad days, you can't just erase years of trauma and abuse overnight. But these days are becoming fewer and fewer the longer he stays with the Malfoy's. Needless to say, Harry is healing, both mentally and physically. Lucius, Narcissa, and Snape have all been keeping up with Harry's physical state, taking him to see healers and making sure that he's eating right, and it shows. Harry's no longer skin and bones, having put on enough weight to almost be normal for his age, and he's actually grown a little too. In fact, he and Draco are now pretty much the same height.

One of the first things the Malfoys had done when Harry began living with them was replace his entire wardrobe. What used to be old hand-me-downs are now new, high quality clothes.

Harry and Draco have been practicing Quidditch over the summer to get ready to try-out for the Slytherin team this school year, and they've actually gotten quite good. They have always been pretty good flyers, but their skills from before are nothing compared to what they are now. Harry definitely isn't worried about making the team. However, he is slightly apprehensive of the fact that both he and Draco want to try out for Seeker. He can see it easily becoming a sore spot if one of them gets the position over the other.

Harry has also been teaching Draco how to cook. Harry was surprised to find that the blond seems to be a natural at it, picking up the things Harry teaches him at an incredibly fast pace. And what's even better is that Harry no longer finds the act of cooking stressful in any way. Before, when he was with the Dursleys, he perceived cooking as a gateway to abuse. If he did an unsatisfactory job, there was no doubt that he'd be in for a beating later. However, now that he's been doing it with Draco, he has seemed to reclaim the activity, no longer associating it with the trauma of his past, but instead relating the activity to his friendship with Draco.

And, of course, Harry quickly made friends with all of the house elves. In the first few days after his arrival, he made a point to seek them out and introduce himself, which was first met with surprise, and then gratitude from the small creatures. There is one house elf in particular though that he has become rather close with. Dobby, who is one of the younger elves, immediately took a shining to Harry and has followed him around incessantly ever since. Harry can't say that he's complaining. Having a house elf close by at all times is rather convenient.

Lucius has also continued tutoring him on forms of magic that are not taught at Hogwarts. Sometimes Draco joins him, but most of the things Lucius is covering with Harry are things that he's already learned. The more information Harry gathers, the more fascinated he becomes. However, Lucius has been adamant that Harry not try any of the spells until he's completely sure that he can handle them, both magically and mentally.

All in all, it has been a great summer, and even though he hasn't left for Hogwarts yet, he can't wait to come back for Christmas break. Severus stops in from time to time. Sometimes to address business with Lucius, and other times to see Harry and Draco. Every time he comes, without fail, Draco and Harry are roped into working on Potions. Severus has let them observe as he brews higher-level potions, and they have even been able to try out a few on their own, giving them a great head start on their work for the next school year.

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