Chapter 6

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Thoughts: 'Blah. Blah. Blah."

Flashback: Blah. Blah. Blah. ( [END]FLASHBACK before/after them)

Hedwig: "Blah. Blah. Blah."

Parseltongue: {Blah. Blah. Blah.}

Letters/Articles/Writing: Blah. Blah. Blah.

Chapter 6

Harry groans as he walks up the stairs on his way to his first class of the day. It's Tuesday, so that means that he has Transfiguration first, which is the main reason for his bad mood.

Draco, after about thirty minutes of trying to wake him up, decided to leave for the Great Hall with Blaise and Theo. He'd figured that if physically pulling Harry out of bed hadn't worked, then nothing would. He only has so much patience, after all. Therefore, Harry is walking in silence, only partially regretting his belligerence this morning. He's not used to being without Draco, and the quiet is disconcerting.

'Draco is going to be upset with me for skipping breakfast.' This thought crosses Harry's mind as he turns the corner, revealing the open door to the Transfiguration Classroom. He trudges into the room and over to his friends, slumping in his seat, eyes half-lidded as he fights to stay awake.

Harry isn't really listening as Professor McGonagall begins speaking, and continues ignoring her words until he hears something that piques his interest. Harry raises his hand and is quickly called on.

"I'm sorry, Professor, but did you just say that we'll be transfiguring snakes into smoke?"

"That is correct, Mister Potter. Now, if you could humor me and say the incantation? I have already informed the class of this information, so you should be able to answer without much difficulty." McGonagall stares Harry down, a no-nonsense expression on her face as she waits for Harry's response. Harry gulps, McGonagall has him trapped, and he sees a few Ravenclaws shaking their heads at him in disbelief.

"Um...," Harry begins, weighing his options. Ultimately, he chooses sass - no surprise there - and he takes a deep breath before meeting McGonagall's eyes innocently. "Actually, Professor, I have a rare memory condition that keeps me from remembering anything before 10 am. It's called It's-Way-Too-Early-For-This Syndrome. It really is quite inconvenient, but there's no helping it, so a quick recap would be extremely helpful."

The room falls dead silent as McGonagall's face contorts with poorly concealed rage, but it's clear that most of the class is struggling to control their laughter. Draco whips his head around to face Harry, eyes wide with shock. Harry doesn't return his gaze, keeping his eyes locked on McGonagall and focusing on maintaining his unconcerned expression.

The Gryffindor Head of House takes one more moment to reign in her anger, finally managing to dull it to an acceptable level. "Harry James Potter, you are one sarcastic comment away from a week's worth of detention, so I suggest that you hold your tongue and keep your humor to yourself from this point forward."

"As you wish, Professor, but just know that you are- OW!" Whatever Harry was about to say is efficiently silenced by Draco, who had jabbed his elbow sharply into Harry's ribs when he realized what route his friend was taking with his comment.

Professor McGonagall huffs in annoyance. "Thank you, Mister Malfoy." She says tightly, turning on her heels and making her way back to the front of the room to continue the lesson.

From that moment forward, Harry makes a show of paying attention, flourishing his quill when he goes to take notes and nodding obnoxiously at everything McGonagall says. It's a miracle that she hasn't given him detention and kicked him out yet. So, like any sane person, Harry decides to kick it up a notch. He doesn't exactly know what his goal is, but he's feeling particularly spiteful today, so he's just going to go with it and see where it takes him. Maybe he has a death wish, maybe he doesn't, the world may never know. Besides, this is the most fun he's had all week, so it will be worth whatever punishment McGonagall decides to dish out.

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