Chapter 9

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{A/N: Here is a triple update, hope you guys enjoy.}


As we walked into the throne room, everyone stopped and looked at us.

"I thought they'd be taller." The King said

"I thought they were Shu. Well, they're Shu enough." The Queen said

"Tell them. Oh I don't know. Good Morning." The Queen told her lady-in-waiting

"We don't actually speak Shu. Your highness." I said having enough of them

"Then what are you?" She asked

'Someone who would like to kill you.' I thought as Alina looked around while I looked directly at them.

"They are Alina and Y/N Starkov. The Sun Summoners, moya tsaarita. They will change the future. Starting now." Kirigan said to the King and Queen as he made the throne room dark.

"Now call the sun." He told Alina and I as he stepped in front of us. He then grabbed our hands and brought them up as we called upon the sun when we did the room lit up with a blinding light. Once Kirigan let go of our hands the lit began to dim and everyone started clapping

"How long will they need?" The King asked

"Destroying the Fold will be no easy feat. They alone may not be able to do it. They will remain at the Little Palace to train. Undisturbed." Kirigan said

"Then train them quickly. Our wars have been a noble pursuit, but this chatter from the West about becoming a sovereign nation, that needs to stop. The sooner we are one country again, the better." The King said

"Agreed, moi tsar." Kirigan said

As left General Kirigan grabbed my hand as we walked towards the other Grisha.

"You were perfect." He said making me smile

"I don't know where it came from." I said

"It came from everywhere. Because you called upon it to come. Welcome home, Miss. Starkov." He said as we stopped walking and looked at each other and walked away after saying the last bit

As Alina and I walked forward we were instantly greeted with hugs and smiles from those who were present from the Second Army.

"It's such an honor to formally meet you." One of the girls in a blue kefta said as she hugged us and then whispered in our ears.

"You stink of the orphanage, half-breeds." She whispered making me drop my smile and becoming angry.

"You truly are two of a kind. The entire country is going to be talking about you now."Genya said coming up to us and pulling us away from the crowd.


"They want you to believe they have found the Sun Summoners to finally tear down the wall that divides us. How many times have we been fed a story like that? And how many times have we in the West been told to send our sons and daughters through the Fold for another year? It is time to accept that we need to break away from the old country. Now is the time to form our own country, to keep what we make and what we earn, instead of sending it to the East. For the true Ravka." I heard General Zlatan speaking to a crowd as I walked towards the rendezvous point with the goat in my hand.

On my way to the rendezvous point I found Inej looking at the memorial wall looking for her parents names.

"He adorable." She said once she saw the goat

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