<>Chapter 3<>

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[Todoroki's POV]

Yayorozu's been acting kind of strange recently. She hasn't pulled me to the wall and kissed me in a while which is odd for her. Also, she's busy all the time now, unlike before, when she would always cling to me like a leech. I don't know, I could just be paranoid about this whole thing. Natsuo says that she might be cheating on me, but I think he's jumping to conclusions.
(Natsuo is Todoroki's brother)

Izuku is also acting weird around me. Every time I walk past him, or glance at him, he would turn his head away and shield his face from my view. I could be wrong, but I think I might have caught him blushing at me once or twice as well...

[Dekus POV]

I saw something yesterday.... I'm scared to tell anyone because I don't want to break Todoroki's heart.... I saw Yayorozu kissing Jirou outside the dorms while I was on my way to class. How am I going to tell him? I decided that telling him through text would probably be the easiest way, since I wouldn't have to look at him and watch him start to cry.

[The Texts]

Hey, I have to tell you something.

What is it?


..I saw Momo and Jirou kissing by the bathrooms....


...I'm so sorry that you had to find out this way.

You're lying.

She would never cheat on me. Yayorozu loves me with all of her heart.

But I-

Please stop texting me with this bullshit.

Please Todoroki, I'm not lying!

I really did see them

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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