chapter 11

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Was gonna publish it on my birthday but Forgot I had it prepared ToT

Y/n quietly sighed while walking in the alleyways, another day signed in to steal some documents from this small agency, you quietly pickpocketed the door lock and sneaking in, the lights were turned on as...

The room was empty, hmm, strange

You looked around for clues as old plan layouts of food business were pinned on a board, on verge of falling and cracked glasses with old stained glass windows all around

You opened another door as there were dried bloodstains, chain whips and electric gagger

It reminded you of the first time you saw how Mori torture his victems, quite graphic as the image was still stuck in your head till this day.

You knew nothing then, and still, you don't know much from now either, still in your world and daydreaming of being under the sunlight, happily playing and messing around

From common words, you were all dense and clue like date and date what's the difference between that? but when it came to targeting your opponent, you definitely know your stuff around now

About Ougai Mori, deep down, you don't even know how you feel about him, should you dislike or like him, ever since he dug you out of the hellish slums but made you live it up much worse after that as being a kidnapper also meant risk while bring victems in the base alive instead of their dead body, however you were sheltered, given food and taken care of

You went in deeper as a particular gas was found leaking the whole room, calm and collected still, you just walked to it, picked it up and threw it out of the window

Continuing your search for those documents, you went from room to room as the last one was locked, blinking while alone, still being awkward again, you just kicked it open revealing an office scattered with papers and a bomb with a 2-day countdown, when you stepped in, the countdown turned down to 2 hours immediately and the timer was much faster than usual, it set off in 38 minutes when you turned to open its setting and cut those wires out

The bomb was now off but then release a gas, knowing by the incoming scent that it be toxic and harmful, you rush to the nearest spare room and locked it in there as there was no passing gap between the doors

Sighing by these sudden traps, you went back to the room and investigated it

By these, you meant the cases it had in the records was unusual, unlike the records from a normal police station, it talked up to supernatural beings such as demons, snakes that had a person's upper body, mostly a woman's and giant acid blood explosive flower

Not lying but you actually received a draft mission...and the location was completely strange to you at first sight as well

You searched in more while you investigated a photo of a dead woman and a man, their insides sprawling out of their wombs, their eyes gouged out and their limbs having horrible bit bites around, with that it also had three sisters who survived by hiding in a closet, the youngest one, still 4 months old seemingly while the other two your eyes laid on, your right eye started to hurt, you closed

Placing the case file away from you, you regained upon yourself, digging in more as familiar demons you fought off in past were on there, and these files were 19 years old or more further than that

'Why does this atmosphere feel so familiar'

Your face still on with the neutral emotionless face, you saw the records of the eldest daughter reported dead 3 years later at the age of 16 with the middle one 14 now, but where was the youngest one, that one baby

You looked out of the window as a yellow flash was drawing right towards you, an explosive bullet at the size of a normal brick

Sighing, you took as many documents as you could, as the family case was dropped when you ran out of the building, completely destructed and the office was all wiped away in existence, as sirens were heard, you quietly ran off

'What a strange mission this was'


Y/n walked as she held a stack of files, in there were the case papers, as it wasn't informed to her that she had to submit anything, she decided to keep it

Now in her apartment where she rarely goes over to rest since she always went on missions all of the time, investigating each of them by hard

A phone call rang loud by your ears, immediately picking it up as the voice of a mafia security member's was heard

"Y/n, Ryuunosuke Akutagawa is at coma"

"....", you were quiet as usual at calls unless it was a superior calling

"You will be needed for this urgent mission he was supposed to be assigned and finish right now"


"There is this man, tsuguici Rantanen, his worth is 700 million dollars, he turned 50 today and his party is in a brothel and has 6 security guards attended there, now listen..."

"This will be your first assassination mission, leave no trace, make no errors and complete it with your life on a pledge"

sounds of a coin spinning were heard with a light thud on hand

"I pledge my life...on this mission...I leave no trace, no errors and complete this mission"

"Good", the call ended

To Be Continued

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