Chapter 10

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'I was walking down with the mafia executive: Nakahara Chuuya, although I may have gotten hurt a bit, he seemed really flustered and worried, I was really confused on why so? He also got really mad with the boss and other executives when a guard said that I was the mort mafia's bitch, but how?'

'Just like Akutagawa-san being the port mafia's dog, it is known that the female version of the dog is called a bitch, I see no problem in that anyway...'

'But anyway, the guard who called me out like that was later sent to Ogai-sama's office, I don't know what happened to him but I did hear a loud scream and it was completely silent'

'Right now, I saw a familiar store where I and Dazai had something called...a date? What does that mean...the only thing I know about a date in the calendar's one'

'Hmm...I guess I could let go of that memory, What I have to do is do this assigned mission from the boss, it gave up quite a strange location here, in these types of woods, Ogai-sama never told me to go there, why so suddenly...ah...I'm rebelling now, the influence has to stay put, maybe I should starve in and stay inside at the day'

'Anyways...wait, what was I talking about again? nevermind, so I received a mission, I shall complete it now', you used your breathing while dashing into the woods many forbid younglings to go to


You arrived at the location as you got closer to the location, the stench there was very much unbearable to even look at, there you encounter a pool of rotten dry solid blood, you walked forward as there were chains, and random black thingy thorns, something cold touched your shoulder, you slowly turned to it

There was a headless body laid upside down as a few limbs were missing and seemingly had its bones all crushed

Seemingly the body belonged to an 8-year-old kid, you turned to the other sides as there were many more brutal bodies ahead


Your face turned from neutral to a bit threatening as you heard something 

"n-no, please spare me! I only came here because I was dared to! please!'

'Wow, truth or dare? sometimes it can be pretty annoying playing that and to come in here.'

You ran as the demon holding her by the neck suddenly got kicked by the neck

"ahhhh...", the girl sniffled in tears while shivering 

You threw your sword at the demon as it spun to perfectly chop its hands-off, not to mention that his mouth as got entirely slit but it, spinning back to you, you smoothly griped it perfectly

"Hmmm, who may you be?~", the creature asked while you just remained silent and continued your attacks

"Urk!- I SAID WHO ARE YOU", The creature screamed when you horizontally slice off half its ski as it barely dodged

Suddenly when you were neck to chopping both his legs off again, the surface trembling as it giggled

"Hmmm...I guess your the silent one, I countered many people here trying to kill me, but I saw anyone as strong and weak looking like you, your types are pretty rare here", it said as a purple fog appeared, knowing exacting what it was, you took off your cloak and covered the girl with it, breathing in its toxic fumes without trained lungs could lead the person to suffocate and die in the most painful way as the slightest touch of it coming in contact with the skin could damage the surface and create multiple boils, these type of fumes were also pretty rare and impossible to create so you never experienced it, luckily you studied its cautions and do not's

you wore a standard uniform which was indestructible adding your cloak too which the young has on covered, you also apply your lotion every day so that your skin be least immune to burns and toxic touches as there damage be much minor than the ones with the lotion 

first, you jumped to the topmost surface withheld the least fog and created a spark with your sword, making an explosion

"AHHHHHH", the creature screeched as it constantly burned and tried to run away from you as its melting skin was on trial with blood

You breathed in lightly and calmly, deep in concentration as the surroundings were pretty chaotic, you raised your sword as it rests by the middle of your chest, chanting some words as flower patterns appeared, the trail in front of you had flowers growing instantly in a zig-zag pattern is the last spawned in front the creature

You disappeared in flower-like steams while appearing in front of the monster, slicing its head off while completely disappearing in ashes

You sighed as turned to the girl who was looking at you just now while whimpering

"...", you walked towards her, patting her head gently

"...", you remained silent while witnessing some burns around her knees.

You signalled her to sit as she immediately did on the ground still scared of you, you shook your head and carried her like the child she was and made her sit on a boulder nearby as its surroundings had flowers near, your effect of using that breathing technique was still now worn off as whatever trail you walked by had flower instant growing out

You took out your med kit, taking out the cotton dipped in the ointment, you dabbed it gently on her small wounds while warping the bandages around her knees

You patted her back while walking away as her trembling state stopped and just stared at you now

"Ahh...Thank you", her swollen eyes look at you who just hummed cheerfully and gently smiled while continuing to walk away, as she just disappeared, the sirens were heard as a group of police officers just appeared on the place Y/n was before minutes ago

"Are you okay", the policemen inspected the brutal stench in the cave and there were 31 children and teenagers all in total as the girl was gonna be one of them

The girl kept on talking about the strange woman and talked about her features and attires as they noted them down

The officers finally had the case solved that the lady the girl was talking about killed the strange creature causing these thousands of missing cases for 20 years 

They also had the lady sketched as one of the police officers muttered

"She looks like that missing child, I don't exactly know her name but there was a family who just had a newborn but the father and mother suddenly died, the 2 sisters with the newborn survived but months later, they went missing with the newborn, I still don't know how"

"Let's not talk about that case, they're long dead now, that case is forbidden not to be active again"


To Be Continued

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