Prepare for landing

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"Ladies and gentleman we will be landing in Los Angeles in about 3 minutes so please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing." I slept the entire flight. I had butterflies in my stomach from all my nerves and the landing because I always get nauseous on flights. When we landed I grabbed my bags and walked off the plane. When I got down the escalator, I saw a super tall man holding up a sign with my name on it. I said hello to the man and he guided me to the car. It was a huge black SUV and it looked super fancy. He explained to me we were going to the appartement then out to breakfast. "Ok, is my roommate already there?" I asked. "Yes, Mr. Jupe is already there and would like to accompany you to breakfast this morning." Noah Jupe wants to accompany me to breakfast? Wtf is this life. About 20 minutes later, we arrived at the building. They gave me my key and asked if they could take me up to my room. I told them I could find it myself but thank you. In the 30 seconds I would be living with Noah Jupe. This is insane. I breathed in and out then I knocked on the door. He answered the door with a huge smile on his face. Gosh he's even cuter in person. "Alexis! It's so nice to finally meet you." He said as he went in for a hug. He's a good hugger. I couldn't help but blush. As we broke the hug, I looked at him in the eyes and said "It's so nice to meet you too!" I couldn't stop smiling. "Come in! I'll show you to your room." This was the fanciest place i've ever been to. It was massive. I had my very own bathroom and my room was gigantic. "You must be hungry after that flight" he said, "Why dont we go grab some breakfast?" "Yeah of course! Let me just get ready first, I will be out in 10 minutes." I said. "Sure love, i'll leave you to it." He said with his adorable British accent. He left the room and I took a super loud sigh. That didn't just happen. Anyways, I put on a cute little dress, my sneakers and did my hair then off I was.

              (This is what you wore)When I walked out he just kinda stared at me as if he had just saw a ghost

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              (This is what you wore)
When I walked out he just kinda stared at me as if he had just saw a ghost. "Well don't you clean up nicely." he said as he blushed. "Awh thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." I said blushing. "Shall we?" He said as he reached out his hand for me to grab then lead me out of the building to the car that had taken me here from the airport. "This is Frank, he can drive us places when we need to be driven places." I said "Hi Frank!" then Noah asked him to bring us to a breakfast restaurant. As we approached, Frank opened the door for us which was kind and a bit odd we but I guess i'm going to have to get used to it. We walked into the place and boy was it fancy. Noah said "Table for two please" then the waitress said "Right this way." and she brought us to a beautiful table overlooking LA. "Wow this place is incredible!" I said looking at the view. "Isn't it just lovely." said Noah. I thought it would be awkward but it turns out, we have a lot in common. We just talked and laughed this whole time. Just as we were laughing, he grabbed both my hands and just held them.

Then we heard a flash. It was the paparazzi. Noah said "Don't worry, just smile and try not to answer questions." So that's what I did. It was so weird and I could hear a bunch of questions being asked like "Who is this girl?" and "Noah is this your girlfriend?" Eventually the servers had asked them to leave and they were escorted out. Then our food came. I had waffles with a fruit salad and a berry smoothie. I took one bite and said "Wow this is the best meal i've ever had." Noah laughed and then we both just started laughing. While we were eating we just asked each other a bunch of random questions. Noah asked me what my favourite movie was.  I told him i couldn't choose but then I told him I really loved (insert your favourite horror movie). He told me had never seen it and I gasped. "WHAT! ITS LIKE THE BEST MOVIE EVER MADE!" We need to watch it tonight oh my goodness." "Alright i'll watch it with you but right after you need to watch The Breakfast Club with me." he said. "The what club?" I asked all confused. "You seriously have never heard of the breakfast club? That's just wrong." He said jokingly as he shook his head and looked down at the table. Then I said "Fine then it's a deal. Don't make any plans tonight because you and I have a lot of movie watching to do my good sir." I said jokingly as well. We paid the bill then got in the car and made our way back to the apartment.

Hey everyone! Sorry that chapter was so long. Feel free to recommend anything you'd like to see more or less of in the story. As always, you're beautiful and deserve the world. Thanks for reading. mwah -b.

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