"it" girl

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This kid didn't fill his water bottle up. So he was following me.. great. Don't get me wrong he's nice but.. I don't know. Maybe we could be friends. "Ms. Jordan and Mr. Parker! Please come to the front and begin reading."
[To JULIET] If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.
Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.
Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?
Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.
O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.
Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.
Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.
Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.
Then have my lips the sin that they have took.
Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again.
You kiss by the book.

Once we finished reading, we kept our eyes locked for a few seconds until we heard a wave of applause. We quickly snapped our heads to the side and saw everyone clapping. I looked over at Noah and he was smiling and clapping. He looked proud. "Alexis and Dawson... that performance was absolutely beautiful. You are both so immensely talented and your chemistry comes so naturally!" Mrs. Simmons said. As soon as she said that I choked on my saliva and looked at Noah. He looked angry. I looked at him and shrugged. I smiled at him and he smiled back. A few minutes later, the bell rang. Time for science. It all went by pretty quickly. Shortly after, the lunch bell rang. I was scared. Scared of being judged, scared of being seen, scared of not being seen. This was the part of the day I was dreading the most. Noah and I walked into the cafeteria and suddenly, all eyes were on us. I ignored it and asked to grab a tray. A few seconds later, 4 girls came and tapped me on the shoulder. "Hii! I'm Jaya, this is Ally, that's Kenna and that's Julianna. Would you mind if we got a picture with you? You're like kinda a big deal around here and I just wanna sneak a quick pic with you if that's alright?" I looked at Noah and we both shrugged. He started laughing a little. "Um.. of course! You guys are the sweetest." I said because they truly are so sweet. I've been at this place for 4 hours, how am I a big deal? They all grouped around me and we all smiled. "Say cheese!!" she said. "Once you have your food, do you wanna come sit with us? You can bring Noah too, we're all sitting over there!" She pointed to a table that already had a ton of people sitting at it. I know it sounds dumb but they seemed to be some what popular. I looked at Noah and gave him a 'do you want to go?' look and he gave me a 'sure why not' look. "K sounds chill." I said. "Kk! See you there bestie." Once they left I looked at Noah and we both started laughing. "Well that was something." I said smiling. "Look at you Ms. Popular on day one." He said. "Oh shut up." I responded rolling my eyes. The lunches here were fancy too. They had some weird garden salad thing so I got some of that and a cup of iced coffee because they had it here. This place was insane. We walked over to the table. "Hey heyy!" Jaya said. "Hi." I responded. "Everyone... this is Alexis and Noah, Alexis and Noah, this is Gavin, Ryan, Ben, Anthony, Aliya, Kayla, Spencer and you've already met Ally, Kenna and Julianna." Jaya said. "Yeah, hey." I waved at everyone with a smile. "Guys, these two are a big deal and they're really important to me so BE NICE!" She continued. We hung out all lunch and it turns out they're all really fun to hangout with. We laughed the entire time and we all got close fast. About 10 minutes before class was supposed to start, I told them that I was going to leave the table and head to class. "Good idea. Let's go!" Jaya said. "I'll come to!" said Aliya. "And Lexi I can hold your books!" Gavin said. "And i'll walk you to class!"Anthony said quickly "AHEM! That's my job thanks." Noah quickly responded. "I'm just gonna go." I said with a slight grin pointing to the door. "See you guys later." Noah and I walked towards math class. Some people of the group followed behind me and asked me questions along the way. Ben, Ryan and Kenna all had class with us so they went down the same hall as Noah and I did. Me and Noah sat somewhere in the middle. I was pretty good math so I wasn't stressed or worried or anything. Soon after class started, I realized I had my science book and not my math book. "shit." I whispered under my breath. "What's wrong babe?" Noah asked. "I have the wrong text book. I'll be right back." I got excused from the class and quickly speed walked to my locker. As I was walking I saw Dawson. "Hey angel." He said. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I asked. "Yup!" He said planting a grin on his face. "Hey um what were you doing hanging out with the popular group?" He asked. "That was the popular group?" I asked. "Yeah, all of them are the 'cool kids' he said doing air quotes with his fingers. "They're all just glorified pretty people." He said making me laugh. "Listen, i'd love to stay and chat but I need to grab my book and you're getting in my way of intense education." I said jokingly. "Alright then. Bye Juliet." He said waving. "Later Parker." I said walking away. "ITS DAWSON!" He said yelling so I could hear him down the hall then chuckling after. I grabbed my book then headed back to class. We start filming in about an hour and a half. See you then!

Hello lovelies!! I have over 600 reads you guys are the best. Give me some inspiration please. I wanna see y'all's ideas (all credits will be given) Ily you're gorgeous. Keep fighting. mwah -b.

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