Chapter 6

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I didn't have time to wait for my eyes to adjust, I just ran through the door, slamming it behind me. I heard the bullets trying to tear a whole through the door—and through me—so I ran.

I looked at my surroundings. Yep. It was the Maze alright. Suddenly everything that could go wrong caught up with me. I could trip and hurt myself. I could get lost. I could be out here until dark, and become the grievers' next meal. The guards probably didn't follow me for a reason, it was way too dangerous.

But I tried to shove all those thoughts to the back of my mind, and put all my energy into sprinting. I had never really had to run all that fast, I had been with WCKD almost my whole life. I didn't know it was possible to be fast and clumsy.

The pace I moved at was unbelievable, yet I kept tripping over nothing. Trying to stay flat on my feet, I pushed even more energy into the run.

I didn't even know where I was going, I just turned the closest corner again and again, suddenly the maze seemed to be thickening. It was thinner on the outside. That meant I was going the right way.

Then I realised I was actually doing this. I was actually going to see Newt's face again. I smiled at the thought, but now was not the time. Now was the time to get out of here.

So I ran and I ran and I ran. Until finally, finally, I saw an opening. It was only then I realised I hadn't thought this through. Tell them who I was, or make something up?

I decided to go with the truth. What was the worst that could happen? Well they could reject me- Bloody anxiety. I shut that part of my brain down.

Suddenly I fell to my knees. I crawled around a corner to try to hide myself from view. This was new, I had never done anything without my body telling me to. And it didn't feel like I was being controlled, more like something I would have to get used to.

And though my eyes had long since adjusted, I had to shield them again, for some reason. I held my head and closed my eyes, trying to focus on breathing.

Then everything stopped. I stood up completely fine, like nothing had happened. Then I realised what was wrong with the picture. The view in front of my eyes wasn't the same as the one a few seconds ago.

I could see myself, inside the Glade. I was talking to a boy I had never seen before, he had darker skin and seemed like a decent fellow. I had probably heard of him before, but I hadn't paid much attention to anything but Newt. I couldn't hear the conversation, but I saw myself trying to explain or reason to the guy. Others started gathering, including Minho.

He had been one of our closest friend before the Maze. It had been just him, me, Thomas, Kylie, Newt, and Teresa. I knew that Thomas and Teresa hadn't been put in the Maze yet, but I didn't know where they were.

I stopped paying attention to the weird day dream, and started trying to get myself back to the present. I slapped myself, shook my head, pinched my arm, and punched my own face, but nothing seemed to be working.

Until eventually it just stopped. Naturally, on its own.

I had to cover my face again to protect my eyes, and count my breaths again. But after that, I got to my feet again and rubbed the side of my forehead.
"I've got a feeling that wasn't just a one off," I complained to myself.

It hadn't felt like a dream exactly. More like a... a vision. I don't know. It'd been a long day so far. So, not caring what happened next, I gathered all my courage, and walked confidently into the Glade.

And I haven't been able to say this for as long as I can remember, but as soon as I walked through those walls, I felt like I was home.

Hope ur liking it so far!!

Don't worry, I'll add in some intensity and a hint of misery soon enough ;)

Pls tell me what u guys think of this fanfic, I rlly wanna know.

Ily all!
- Fang1rl_101

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