Chapter 10

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I didn't stop. Didn't think. All I knew was that one second, my feet were planted to the ground, and the next, I was bolting as if my life depended on it. And it did. Newt was my life.

I dashed and skidded round corners, crashing into walls and tripping over rocks. But that didn't slow me down. Nothing could slow me down. Nothing would stop me.

I was close now, about 50 metres away. I panted but didn't slow, forcing my feet to keep running.
No no no no no no no. Not now. Any other time, any other moment, and Alex had to pick now to make another appearance.

This time I wouldn't give him even a second. I was getting past this stupid emo boy. I was getting past the doors of t he medical hut. I was getting to Newt.

"Get out of my way!" I snarled as I tried to duck past him.
"Not so fast missy," he said, pulling me back by the arm.
"I said get out of my way!" As I shoved him off of me.
"And I said-"
But Bangs Boy still wouldn't move.
Fine. If he wanted to do this the hard way, then so be it.
I backed up, one foot behind the other, slowly retreating from the guy.
He assumed that I had surrendered, and he lowered his guard just the tiniest bit. But that was all I needed.

I summoned all my strength and rammed into Alex with everything I could manage. He staggered a little and I shoved him aggressively out of the way.
"I said. Get out. Of my way."

And once again, I was hauling myself through the air. Nothing even caught my eye anymore. I couldn't even see anything. Except the small door. The door was everything.

I slammed into it and my left shoulder started aching. It felt like it was broken. I tried to push the pain aside and focus. I had bigger things to be worrying about. I opened the door with my right arm and flew in.

The first thing I saw was everyone staring at me. Minho, and a few other boys I didn't know. I immediately looked down to Newt. He looked like he was in so much pain. I closed my eyes, I couldn't watch. Newt's face was all scrunched up and obviously in agony. I felt a single tear slip from my eye. I opened them again, and traced my thumb over the intricate rose ring.

"What's going on?" I demanded. "I heard Newt scream."
"Who is this?!"
One of the boys I didn't know had spoken. He was tall, darker skinned, and had an air of authority about him. I hadn't realised he had been staring at me, with both shock and suspicion.
"I'm Rose," I hurriedly informed him. "I asked what happened?"
"Who are you?!"
"I was just about to tell you, Alby, when I heard the screams." Minho cut in.
Alby. This was the one Frypan had told me about. The one who runs the place.

"Tell me what?" Alby snapped. "Who is this and how did she get here? Who sent her? When-"
"I'll explain everything really soon, but for now we need to deal with this." Minho glanced at Newt meaningfully.
"Yeah, so, again, what's going on?" I was getting extremely impatient.
They didn't answer.
"What's going on?!"
They exchanged a glance, and I braced for the worst.

"Newt's just... in a lot of pain right now." Minho finally answered
"Umm, yeah, duh. But what's hurt him more?"
"It's just... Clint and Jeff have been repositioning his leg, so that it could heal in the right position."
"I know there's more to it than that. So I'll ask one more time. What is wrong with my- with Newt?"
I was about to say boyfriend, but of course I couldn't.

When no one answered again I shut my eyes, hung my head and nodded, and lowered myself onto the floor. I didn't care that everyone was watching me. But I sat, and I curled into a ball as more tears slid silently down my cheeks, for what felt like the 100th time today.

"Who is this girl?!" Alby's voice asked again.
Minho led him outside, explaining everything about me. I could hear their conversation, and there was certainly a lot of yelling from Alby. Soon enough I heard them trudge back in.
"You think you can help us do you?" Alby snapped, but I could tell he was in a state of disbelief but also relief.
"Yes," and then I realised I had a bargaining chip. "But only if you tell me what's wrong with Newt."

"I can't just-"
I heard the faint croak from above.
Immediately my head snapped up for my knees, and I was on my feet. I got up too quickly, and had to grab my smashed shoulder when it hurt again.
I definitely didn't mistake that beautiful British accent, laced with pain.
"Newt? What's going on? What are they doing to you? Do you need-" I realised that I probably shouldn't be asking all these questions if I wanted to act like I had only just met the poor guy.

Newt's face was still in pure agony, and the sight of it burned me to my core.
"Rose, I-"
But that was all his sweet voice could manage before it turned into another horrible, piercing scream. I couldn't deal with this. The tears flowed ever faster and I sobbed as I fled, flinging the door open and running away from the dreadful sight.

I didn't know where to go, I was trapped. But I had to go somewhere. Somewhere away from the small hut. I didn't know how such a tiny hut could hold so much horror.

The sky was starting to darken, so I sniffed and wiped my eyes (not that it helped) and went in search of somewhere to stay. Soon enough I came to a field of huts, a few of which looked unoccupied. I strolled into the closest one and-
Minho's voice was behind me.
I didn't turn.

"What is it Minho? I just can't deal with- I can't-"
I gasped for breath through my tears.
"I know, Rose. I know. But there's something you should see."
The way he said it was enough to make me spin, and immediately I asked,
"Is it Newt?"
Minho hesitated, "...Not exactly."
Immediately my anxiety was back with a vengeance.
"What is it Minho?"
"...Follow me."


I know I say this every chapter but tysm for reading. I luv y'all.

Srsly the suspense is k1LLinG me. U NEED TO LET ME KNOW WHETHER U GUYS LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!
Be honest lmao.

Sry I haven't be updating as quick as I usually do. But I'm trying lol.

- Fang1rl_101

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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