The Great Evil

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"Ugh. These books are useless." Five groaned. He had stacks of book around him on time travel and such.

"Well maybe that's cause your not asking the right question." A voice Five recognized from last night commented.

Hope stood behind Five, who looked behind him to see her.

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused. He was reading books on traveling through space and time, which was what brought them here.

"Those books are based on things that theoretical, some of it could be true and some might not. Your focusing on what brought you here when you should be focusing on how you can get back." She said, sitting down in the chair next to him.

"We can get back by doing the same things that got us here." Five reasoned.

"What? Blowing up the moon and Messing with things you don't understand?" She sassed.

"Well what do you think I should be asking?" Five asked, wondering what was making her say this.

"You literally are in a world where witches, werewolves, and vampires exists." Hope stated. "Maybe you should be asking if there's a spell that can get you home or something like that. Start with what you have that you didn't before and see if that can help."

"Well I know nothing about spells or any of your supernatural stuff." Five told her honestly. What he had read that contained stuff on supernaturals was all just confusing.

"Well, I can tell that your more independent but don't you have a whole family that can help you figure it out?" She asked, though she already knew this.

"My family are too young and naive to understand the basics of even a coffee machine." Five deadpanned.

"What's going on?" A new voice asked. The two looked up to see a blonde teenager looking down at them. Five watched Hope's flicker into a kinda nervous smile at the sight of him and he felt something in his stomach, like a punch to the gut.

"Roman." She said. "I was just, uh, just talking to Five here." She said, gesturing to the boy.

"Nice to meet you, Five." Roman said. "So what are you if you don't mind me asking?"

Five opened his mouth to reply but Hope beat him to it.

"He's a witch." She said quickly. Five furrowed his brows but played it off by smiling a tight lipped smile at the blonde teen.

"Yes. Im a witch." Five said.

"Well, it was great to meet you, Five, but I got to go. Getting a little hungry." He said.

"Yeah, bye." Five waved him off. Once he was gone the sweet and nice facade instantly disappeared.

"Witch?" Be asked the girl, eyes narrowed at her.

"If people here know that a different universe exists, word could spread and evil could decide to terrorize the world with barely any defense. Besides, I got the feeling that your kinda like me." She said, the last part making Five raise a brow in question.

"You don't like people, questions, or annoying conversations." She clarified.

"If you don't like people so much why are you talking to me?" He asked, pulling another book towards him.

"Because your the only one here who's not annoying." She stated simply.

"True." Five agreed, a smug look on his face.

Three girls sat on the other side of the table, looking at a book. Both Five and Hope listened in on what they were saying, probably cause they were being so loud.

"This book should give us information we need on Klaus Mikaelson for our history report." One said. "I heard that he's gone completely mad, like, worse than before." Another commented. "Well duh, he's Evil and I'm just glad I'm not on his shit list." The first replied. "He doesn't need a shit list. He's cold hearted and will kill anyone just for the fun of it." The third said.

Five saw out of the corner of his eye, Hope slowly clenching her fist. Suddenly the girls screw made and Five looked to se that their book was on the floor and was caught fire.

Five looked at Hope, who's eyes were calm and unaffected. She stood up and turned, only to stop. Five looked to see a woman standing in the doorway. She gestured for Hope to follow her and after rolling her eyes, she did.

People put the fire out and Five was just confused. Who the hell was Klaus Mikaelson and why did Hope get so angry?

His thoughts were cut short by a voice saying his name. Five looked over to see Allison standing there. "What?" Five snapped.

"Vanya's waking up." Was Allison's reply.

Five glanced at the pile of books.

"There's just something I got to do first." He said. Allison nodded, knowing not to argue with him right now and walked away. Five ran out of the Library and spotted the woman walking with Hope. He saw them walk into a room and caught a glimpse of a closet in there, then spacial jumped inside to listen in.

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