Chap 1

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Peach's pov:

I hold his wrist tightly before he can slap me as pushed him as far as I can . Thanks to my defense classes I can easily take on these men . I dogged a punch that was coming towards me . 'That was close ', "Hey!, you can't punch a girl".

Okay , now he seems more pissed , he is coming towards me. I started running as fast as I can but a closed door came on my face . 'Damn'. I tried my best to open , 'it's locked what the heck '. I turned back he is coming close . I tightly bowled my fist but before I can attack him a hand tightly took my hand and twisted it to my back . Soon I was pushed towards the wall . My whole body was sticking to the wall and his body was completely sticking to mine . Before I could protest or make any move , the face came closer to my ear and in a deep voice a question was asked "Where is the bride ?".

That voice made a chill pass through my spine . I can't make out his face cause I am facing the wall , but from the corner of my eyes I can say he is handsome . 'Answer the question dumb Peach '. "I don't know I am looking for the bride too ".

Yeah , I am too looking for the bride , how did I ended up in this situation . I was assigned for the makeover of the bride . It wasn't originally me , it was Nick . But Nick got sick so Peach is here stuck in don't know what situation .

" Did you helped her to run off ?", his breathing on neck is giving me weird feeling . 'Concentrate, Idiot ', "Why would I do that I am just a make artist , she was missing before I even arrived ". I was forcefully turned back facing him close , too close . His green eyes staring into my soul , somewhat intimidating me .

Now that I got a look of his face , he is handsome , 'Really handsome'. With a deep sigh he took a step behind a pushed me in front of him . He is still holding my wrist tightly on back , bet it will cause some bruises . "Check that bag " he ordered his man and they poured all of the stuff out of my bag , ruining my cosmetics

"Hey - "," One more word and a bullet in your head ". I freeze as I felt the tip of gun on my waist 'What is he ?' .I turned my face to take a complete look at him . 'Yep , he is build up '........and wearing a weeding suit . A worst timing to fall for anyone . I know I shouldn't .

" There is nothing in here sir ", one of his man said . 'Nothing , those cosmetics were costly ', I so want to say this but this gun has made my mouth shut . The man holding me sighed loudly, his jaw tightened . He seems very ,very angry. He stares back towards me . I never felt this nervous in my whole life , not even while giving interview for this job . After staring a quite while into my soul, he spoke up

"Are you married ?"

"What ?"

"I'll take that as a no ", he pushed me out of the room . "Wait , where are you taking me ,what's happening ". Without answering my any question he just kept on pushing me until we reached in front of a big door . "What's happening? ". "Shh ...", the gun tip is now on my lips ."No more words , sugar ", he whispered in my ears .

Soon the door opened and I was standing in front of a beautifully decorated aisle . At the other end of the aisle a priest is standing with a shocked look . The people beside the people stood up equally shocked as the priest . He pushed me forward as we both started walking the aisle . The music started playing . Why ?

This is not happening . No way . I want to scream and run off but the gun is still near my head . The people along the aisle are staring at me but why don't anyone do something . They all rather seem scared . As we get closer to other end I seen some Best Men standing along the stage wearing whole black suit .

Wait those are not Best Men , those are his guards with guns , ready anytime to shoot . Soon we reached on the stage . He nodded his head informing the priest to start the wedding . The priest gave a concerned look towards me and then started the prayers .

No , this can't be happening . I don't wanna get married in my jeans and my worst top . No , I don't want to get married at first place, no matter how good looking this person is . Only if someone could hear my thoughts . Damn this gun has kept me quite .

" Do you Ethan take the - ", the priest looked towards me with an eyebrow raised . HE tapped his gun on my forehead indicating me to tell my name . My heartbeat are at it's peak , I am not able to think stable anymore . "P-Peach" , I am stuttering , sweating and trembling with fear.

"Do , you Ethan take Peach as your wedded wife in all happiness and sorrows "

"I do "
"Do you Peach take Ethan as your wedded husband in your happiness and sorrows ", he is my only sorrow . Please tell me it's not true . I am just watching a really horrible dream .

I might be taking a long time to answer as I felt a gun tapping again on my head . " I-I do ". NO!!

"Now the groom may kiss the bride ".What!!! No!!. He turned me back facing him .I pushed my head back . There is no way I want to kiss him . No matter how much I was drooling over his looks , I don't want to kiss him. My fear is visible through my face . A smirk appears on his face before he smashed his mouth on mine . 'I am feeling dizzy '

He kissed me roughly tightly holding my neck to keep my face from moving . After sucking all breath from me he left my mouth and faced the audience who were now cheering . Why in hell are they cheering for !

I felt my head turning and soon I fell and the shoes rushing towards me were the last thing I remember before blacking out .


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