°[Chapter 2]°

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You sat up and hurt your head on something above you-a roof? You rubbed your head and squinted to look around-where were you? You reached your hand out and felt a cold surface, was it a wall? If it was then why was it so dark here? There was a loud thump and you rolled around as the area around you jumped up and rattled you around. You put your hand on one of the walls and heard a clicking noise. You felt warm air come in and you looked at your hand and then on one of the walls, you noticed there was a little gap. "where am i-?" you started to mummble under your breath as you shuffled towards the gap to see where you were. You looked up and saw darkness, "yeah great, that's helpful."you said sarcasticly as you pushed the wall."AAAA-" you screamed as you fell forward and rolled onto the floor beneath you, "ow.." You rubbed your head the second time today and sat up only to see a figure looming over you in the dark. You wanted to scream again but the bright blue eyes seemed to distract you and told you not to-it was a weird feeling but you didn't question it, you kept quiet. The figure lend out a paw-looking hand in front of you as it stood in it's creepy position. You looked up at it's eyes and took the figures hand, it helped you stand on your feet. Now that you were standing up you could see the figure a bit better, it was a creature, a bear.

The bear had a caramel brown colour as a base and a pale snout and stomach. The eyes were glowing blue, shifting in and out of focus while making a turning noise. It had a small black top hat with one light blue stripe across it, the face featured some mask-looking painting which was blue and red,it went horizontally across it's head and the light blue carried on with a squiggle on its stomach. You noticed that the stomach had a flap which was open but was slowly closing. The creature made a turning noise as it's ears shifted up and down and it grabbed hold of you. "what are you d-" you started to say with a raised voice but stopped as you heard heavy footsteps coming your direction. The creature picked you up and crouched down, holding you close while you sat on the floor besides it. The creature turned it's torso around and it glanced at where the footsteps were coming from. You looked around and noticed you were behind a wall with wires around it, there were purple and green stripes on it. Was it a destroyed wall or was it fake? You touched the wall and nothing happened, it was hard but not as hard as it was meant to be,it was probably fake.

You slid your hand back and you felt something grab you as you heard something run in your direction. You looked at the bear as it stood up and held you close, running faster than you could ever run. The sound of running feet started fading away the longer the creature ran. You heard some beeping noises and static come from inside of the robot and you looked at it's head, "are you okay?" you asked like a 5 year old but then faceplamed yourself, knowing it won't answer. The creature looked at you as it slowed down, the head made a odd rusty noise as it nodded and opened it's mouth, showing it's teeth. Was it going to bite you-? No, it seemed happy, maybe it was smiling? You looked around as the creature let go of you, the rooms were still dark.. "can you talk?" you asked as you walked by the big bear's side. The bear looked at you, making a crackling noise as it turned its head and nodded, "yes I can,why?" it asked in a human like voice which managed to send shivers down your spine, you weren't expecting that..

"uh, I wanted to ask some questions" you said as you noticed a ripped up bear plushie on the floor as you walked past it. "like?" the bear asked as it kept it's eyes looking forward, looking for where to go. "like.. What's your name and what happened here? Why is everything so dar-" you bumped into a wall and stepped back, rubbing your nose. You shook your head as you noticed the bear looking at you with a raised eyebrow, "are you okay?" the creature asked as it stepped towards you. Before it could touch you and check on you you nodded, "yeah, yeah, I'm fine, carrying on," you said as the two of you started walking once again. "My name is Glamrock Freddy." it said slowly as it looked at you, 'now I don't have to call it a creature.' you said in your head as you painted a faint smile on your face. You noticed the creature looking at you and you nodded, waiting for it to carry on.

"This place is closed down-the day after you fell asleep it shut down because of an incident. You slept through most of the chaos, the rabbit demolished most of this place, we are forced to hide until they get another group to investigate but most people are scared of the robot's malfunctioning so I don't count on that anytime soon." You looked around, so there's no point in going to the generator and trying to turn the power on? What we're you going to do for the time you had? You felt a sharp pain in your leg as you reached out into your pocket and felt even more pain. "argh-" you said quietly in pain as you yanked your hand out of the pocket to take a closer look. The dark didn't help but you could make out that you got hurt. Glamrock Freddy stopped walking and turned around, it's blue eyes glowing in the dark. You felt sick as you saw blood drip down your hand and small glass bits sticking out. "what the fuck?!" you said out loud as you touched the glass to try and take it out of your hand. "NO!" the bear barked aggressively as it walked towards you in a fast pace and grabbed your hand that was reaching for the glass, "Don't do that." it snarled as you put one of your hands by your side. It's eyes focused on your hurt hand as it gently grabbed your wrist with one paw and hovered one paw over the wounded hand. "It's best if you don't look." it said as it gently grabbed a piece of glass and pulled it out of your skin. You kept still as you shut your eyes. "what even caused this?" Glamrock Freddy asked as it tried helping you. "dunno," you said vaguely as you felt something wrap around your hand. You heard something shut and you opened your eyes, "what the hell was that?!" you asked as you looked at your hand which had a bandage on it..  Glamrock Freddy grabbed your phone out of the pocket you reached in and showed you the smashed glass screen, "this is what hurt you. The shutting noise was my chest cavity closing."

"What?! Why do you have that?" you asked as the bear tilted it's head. "you slept there, I keep you safe in there." it said as it opened up to reveal an empty space with some bandages and plasters on the side, "and there's that." it added as the chest cavity closed. You saw a stack of plushie's on the side and you walked up to them. You picked one of them up Glamrock Freddy looked at it, making it light up to show the colours and reveal the creature. "Hey it's you!" you said as Glamrock Freddy glanced at the other plushies, there were so many.. "why are there so many?" you asked as you placed   the stuffed bear back onto the huge pile and turned to face your big bear friend. "maybe because I'm the main character, I'm not sure." it said as it's eyes trailed off to what was ahead of the two of you. You walked to his side and saw a long dark corridor, "where does that lead to?" you asked a question once again. "you will see!" Glamrock Freddy said as it started walking into the dark. You jogged up to it to catch up and the two of you strayed walking once again.

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