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The Void. 

The nullification and rejection of all existence. Endless nothingness. An eternal zero. 

That was my existence. That was who I am. 


Deep within the deserts of ancient Babylonia, a group of merchants were travelling by camels towards the city of Uruk, carrying spices and pots in order to sell in the city of King Gilgamesh. 

"Are you sure this is is a good idea?" one of the merchants asked. He was riding the second camel, right behind the first. "I heard that Gilgamesh is quite the tyrant." 

"I heard those rumours, too," the lead merchant said, not turning his gaze from the road. "But, we can't expect to keep making a living in small villages. Uruk is far bigger, and far richer too, so if we just pass off as no named merchants, that should make things easier." 

The second merchant sighed but nodded, knowing their leader was correct. So far, they have only been selling wares and spices in small villages. And, while it got them quite the fortune, it was nothing impressive compared to what the merchants in the kingdom of Uruk made. 

Something suddenly caught their attention. In the distance, a lone figure is seen moving forward towards them. After some time and distance were covered, they gained a better look at it. 

"Is that a… person?" the second merchant asked in shock. 

"This far in the desert?" the lead merchant was equally shocked. They were nowhere near any oasis, and travelling the desert during this particular time of the year is suicidal without the proper preparations. 

"Maybe they're lost," the second merchant guessed as he saw no other explanation for anyone to be alone this far. 

"Well, I guess we should help them, for the right price, of course," the lead merchant said with a smirk. While the second merchant doubted someone like that would have much, he couldn't deny the temptation of payment. 

The figure kept getting closer and closer, making them appear more clearly. They were covered by a cloak that concealed their entire body, and even a hood to conceal their facial features. However, they could at least tell it was a male from their form. 

"Well, hello there, traveller," the lead merchant started with a flattering tone, just as he would use when selling his wares. "You seem awfully far away from any water or shelter." 

The man raised his head to look at the merchant. Now that they can see his eyes, the merchants were shocked to see that his eyes were an unnaturally dark color with pure white, somewhat glowing irises. 

"You should not be here," the man said, catching them both off guard. "This place is dangerous. You shouldn't be passing through this area." 

While the second merchant started worrying, the leader just chuckled. "All the more reason for you to join us. I promise we won't ask much of you." 

The stranger sighed and shook his head. "Humans. Ever the gullible creatures," he commented, causing further confusion. 


I find humans quite peculiar. 

They're weak and frail creatures. They hardly if ever think of the larger things in this world. 

Yet, despite all that, their potential is impossible to ignore. 


Before either of the merchants could ask for clarification, the sand below them began shaking before something large burst from the underground. 

What appeared was a large worm with a dark red colored hide, a mouth filled with teeth, and many tiny legs on its belly. 

The worm turned its attention to the merchants, most of whom ran away in panic. What was left was the lead merchant and the second one. They were both thrown off their respective camels' backs when the animal went into panic. 

The worm looked down at the two fallen merchants, who fearfully attempted to crawl away from the creature as it suddenly lunged at them with its mouth wide open, showing the hundreds of sharp teeth inside. 

Both merchants closed their eyes, expecting the inevitable end. 

But they felt nothing. 

When some time passed and they still felt nothing, the merchants opened their eyes and saw that the stranger was standing in front of them and that the worm was gone. 

Most of the worm's upper body has completely vanished as if it never existed in the first place. Whatever was left of the giant insect started gushing out blood like a river. 

"Wha… what?" the second merchant asked, unable to understand what happened. 

"This is your first time going to Uruk, correct?" the stranger turned to them and asked. Both merchants looked at him, too shocked to answer, which only made the stranger sigh in annoyance. "Answer my question." 

"Uhmm… yes, it is…" the lead merchant barely had enough sense to even understand the question. 

"This area is off limits because of the existence of several demonic beings. Merchants are supposed to take a different route," he then pointed south. "Go in this direction for at least two days. You should be able to encounter another group of merchants. Take the same route they're taking, and that should get you safely to Uruk." 

With that said, the stranger turned around and continued the path he was originally going. The second merchant managed to break out of his shock. "Wait! Who… what are you!?" 

Without stopping, the stranger replied. "I am the God that rules over nothing." 

Both merchants stared in shock, still trying to process everything that had just happened to them, simply looking as the stranger who called himself a God slowly vanished in the distance. 

"A… God?" both merchants mumbled.


A God of nothingness. 

That was who I am. 

Nullification of creation. Rejection of existence. 

That was 'what' I am.

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