My life

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Hi , I'm Bella Rose and I'm 14 years old , I was born in the us to teenage parents who were only 15 ! They were both amazing football players tho however they gave it all up to try and give me a good life , we moved to Liverpool when I was a baby and I've lived here ever since . But when I was 4 my dad died and me and mum lost everything, mum struggled to cope and turned to alcohol and drugs because of this when I was 6 she passes and I went into foster care , 29 different homes I've been in now . Not all have been good , I've been through a lot in those years , Abuse , neglect and much more , my current foster parents aren't great but there okay , I play for Liverpool and I have since I was like 5 ! I go to public school as well I'm in y10 now and tbh I'm not the best behaved but I do try , I promise !!! I do really miss my parents and find it hard to cope , sometimes to help ill drink or smoke or take something to relax (if u know what I mean) but honestly idk how much longer I can hold on .
It's currently Thursday morning witch means I have school , UGH I unwilling get out of bed and go to my bathroom to shower , I cba to wash my hair so I just throw it up messily, my hairs long and brown and kinda wavy /curly ish , I have tan skin and lots of freckles , aswell as one grey eye and one blue one ( a bit strange I know) anyway once I'm showered I put on my uniform and go to school as I'm already late
As I'm leaving the house I see my best friends and neighbours tash and jayda leaving aswell , I smile at the thought of my friends , they've kept me alive for sooooooo long and I love them so much .

In school
Its only period three and I've already been yelled at twice ( but I promise it wasn't my fault ) when suddenly my phone rings and everyone stairs at me , OH GOD I think to myself as my cheeks go red , I leave to answer it ignoring my teacher yelling behind me .

On the phone :::
"Hi Bella , it's Jill Ellis , I've seen you play and I was wondering if you wanted to come to the next camp "

"Omg I love too , Thankyou sm for this opportunity "

"Your welcome Bella , see you soon "

I close my eyes and breathe for a second , this is everything I've worked for my whole life

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