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Today's the day , I'm going to a senior uswnt camp and the anxiety's already setting in , I've wanted this forever and I don't wanna mess up . I'm walking around the airport after exiting my flight , looking for dawn because she picking me up , I spot her out of the corner of my eye

"Ah! Hello Bella "
"Hi" I respond enthusiastically
We made small talk on the drive to the hotel but I was careful about what I said , didn't wanna give to much away . As we approached the hotel the nerves returned , a mean I'm about to meet my idols like come on anyone would be nervous , right ?

I walk into the hotel and I see Jill she smiles as I walk over , she hands me a room key and a pack of information aswell as telling me I'm rooming with ashlyn Harris , like omg as if I wasn't already nervous enough !!!!

As I stepp into the elevator I start to fiddle with the necklace my mum gave me , it has a amethyst crystal in it and has my name engraved on the back , I also realise that my curls need sorting but I don't have time so I just throw it up and pull some pieces out round my face .I take a deal breathe and walk towards my room . the door unlocks and I open it slowly only to come face to face with ashlyn , she smiles excitedly at me and then suddenly dashed towards me and engulfs me in a hug . I flinch slightly and I can see worry spread across her face

"Hi , I'm ashlyn , sorry I know that was weird but , omggggg I'm just so excited like ur so young !!! "

I giggle slightly and assure her I'm okay and then I introduce myself
" hi , I'm Bella Rose, but u can call me Bella or just B , I don't mind " I laugh

After we'd met she offers to help me unpack witch I accept greatfully . She pulls out a picture of my parents , it's old and creased but I don't have many photos of them ,

"Hey are they ur parents , they look really young" she asks

"Yeh , they were only 15 when they had me , but erm ..........  They passed away when I wa- was little " I try to explain without crying

She pulls me in for another hug , this time I don't flinch as much she suggests we go down to meet the other girls , so I follower her out the room , I think to myself that if meeting one wasn't that hard how hard can meeting the other 21 be "

Oh how wrong could I have been

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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