Chapter Two

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Val woke up scared and shaking again from another one of her nightmares. Her nightmares would consist of her having to kill Drew. Since she was up earlier she had to wake Aris up. They had to get up early to go to medical for something.

"Hey wake up dude" She said whispering.

"Nooo let me sleep" Aris replied. He never liked being woken up but yet was usually the first one up. That always confused Val.

"Come on hurry up you are not going to be the reason we barely get any breakfast and remember we have to go to medical" Val spoke

"Oh yeah I forgot that was today. Ok so I'll get ready can you just get my breakfast and wait for me to get there?" Aris questioned.

"I mean yeah I can how long do you think you'll be though?" Val asked.

"I don't know like 5-10 minutes" Aris replied.

"OK I'll go right now so I can hopefully be first in line" Val responded.

To be honest Val doesn't want to go get their breakfast alone she doesn't like talk to new people. Especially people that seem mean or intimdating. She only really talks to people she has known for awhile like Aris.

"Hey thanks for getting my food" Aris spoke sitting down right across from Val.

"Yeah your welcome... oh and your gonna love me" Val spoke looking at Aris.

"Wait what happened?" Aris asked.

"What happened was I was getting food and this girl came up to me and started telling me about that group that came in yesterday. She said something about how one used to work for WICKED and his name was Thomas" Val spoke before going to have another bite of her breakfast.

"What are you sure that is what she said?" Aris asked.

"Yes I am sure that is what she said" Val replied.

"Ok but how did she find out?" Aris started whispering.

"I don't know maybe one of her friends but I do know she is most likely telling the trust because how could she or anyone just come up with that on their own if it is not true?" Val asked.

It was true how could someone just out of nowhere just say a child worked for WICKED. If it was not true. To be far even if the kid did work for WICKED Aris would not care he would just want his help getting out of that place. Val would just follow what Aris did because he was always the smarter one then Val.

"Yeah you are right" Aris whispered.

"Yeah and hurry and eat your breakfast they already started calling kids to medical. So hurry I am not going by myself. Also another reason you will love me we are most likely going to medical with the new group." Val spoke.

Honestly Val was a little proud of herself. She knew all this stuff found it out. She actually really spoke to someone to find out that stuff about the kid. Also the fact that they might be going to medical with the kid and his group.

"Yeah Ok love you then for figuring this out" Aris joked.

"Aw love you too now hurry or I will not wait for you when we have to go" Val spoke knowing she would still wait for him.

"Pfft you not waiting for me to go to medical. You would never you are to scared too" Aris spoke as if he read her mind.

"You are right now shut up and eat I have said that like 3 times already" Val spoke.

"Ok Ok"

It felt like forever but it really had only been 10-20 minutes and Aris was done with his food. Now both Val and Aris were just waiting to be called to medical both hoping that the new group got called as well.

Val was not super happy to going to medical mostly for her fear of needles. She was hoping she wouldn't have to get a needle stuck in her. If she did she would be very scared but try not really show it so she does not look like a scaredy-cat.

Both Val and Aris started dozing off. What brought them back was someone yelling for group B kids. Val's anxiety started going up knowing there would needles where she was going but Aris grabbed her hand holding it.

Aris was always like a older brother to her. Even when Drew was alive. Aris still was a older brother figure when even though he was the same age as her. Always told her to be safe and basically tried protecting her. Both of them tried but now it's up to Aris to protect her.

For both of their luck the new kids were called also. They seemed way more eager to go to medical. Probably because they were new and wanted to see what was in medical. Now for Aris and Val they had been to medical once before right when they got there. So they knew what was there.

"When we get there if there's needles look away and count in your head 1-100 Ok got it" Aris whispered and asked at the same time.

"Yeah I will thanks and see what you can get from the kids. We both know I won't be able to. I'll be to busy being scared of needles" Val joked. She sometimes made jokes when she got nervous.

"Ok see you later be safe" Is all Aris spoke before he walked off from Val to go to a doctor.

"Will do" Val muttered before getting called to another doctor pointing for her to sit down.

"Ok now I am going to use to a needle on your right arm now" The doctor spoke starting to rub Val's arm.

"Oh um... do you have to use a needle? Val asked really hoping the lady would just let her go for the day.

"No I'm sorry you need the vitamins. Remember I had said this the first time." The doctor explained.

"Oh um yeah I'll just look away sorry fear of needles" Val spoke.

"Oh sorry miss I wouldn't give it to you if I didn't have especially with your fear" The doctor spoke.

"Yeah it's fine can you not tell me when you do it I am going to look away" Val asked. She hoped the lady would say yes.

"Of course" The doctor replied.

Val looked away and listened to what Aris had said about counting 1-100. She had already learned to what Aris said at first looking away now counting.

She expected to have to go all the way to at least 20. She only got to 7 before the lady had said she was done. Val was glad it happened quickly. Also the fact that it was the last 'treatment' of the day.

"Ok you are all good to go your friend you came in with is almost done if you know where he went you can go find him now" The lady spoke.

"Ok thank you" Val said getting out of the chair.

Val noticed one of the kids from the new group looking at her wierd. She did wondered why he looked at her so wierd. Then hit it her he probably saw her scared of the needle.

God damnit he probably saw me scared. Val internally scolded herself for being scared. But she was scared so she's human right? Right now time to look for Aris.

"Aris you good yet?" Val asked. Aris had a little more treatments then Val since she didn't have as many bruises and cuts as him.

"Yeah they said we can go now" Aris said putting his jacket back on.

"Ok well let's go and did you find anything new?" Val asked.

"Yes I'll tell you when we get back to our room" Aris spoke.

"Ok" Val responded.

"Ok spill it we're back to our room" Val spoke straight up.

"Damn don't be so grumpy—" Aris spoke before getting cut off.

"Your rude now hurry please" Val spoke jokingly.

"Ok Ok I found out where the kids rooms are anddddd" Aris spoke dragging out the and. "I know how to get to their rooms through the vents so we are going tonight"

"Hold up what you found the room" Val exclaimed.

"Yessss so be ready in a few hours" Aris cheered.

Author note:If this chapter is bad it's because I wrote it very late at night. Now please eat or drink something if you have not yet.

Word Count:1437

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