Chapter 4

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I walk into the girls locker room to get dressed for soccer tryouts.
I look at my orientation papers and it says that my locker is 428.
I walk over there and notice it's right next to Christina's.
"Hey!" I say. I didn't even notice she was there lol.
"I didn't even see you there."
She just looks at me likes she's scanning me.
"Issss everything alright?" I ask
She walks away.
What the heck
I find the first person I know in the locker room also trying out for soccer and that happens to be Lynn.
"Hey, what's going on with Christiana? She seems pissed?"
"Christina? Pissed? That can't be right. Christiana is like never mad at anyone. One time I was walking out of the diner and some idiot got in my way so I shoved him like with all my power. I don't know, it just came up, and she even Didn't get mad at me for that. Which Is a shocker cause she loves like.... Everything."
"Well I think that love is fading cause she didn't say a word to me" I say as I start tying my sneakers.
She shrugs and we walk out to the feild together.
I'm in a line with about 30 other freshman girls trying out also.
I can't concentrate clearly knowing that Christiana is upset for some unknown reason.
Coach Amar puts us into partners to see how our drilling skills are. Lucky for me I get paired with Christina.
We all line faced each tiger and when the whistle blows I pass the ball to her.
I soft kick it towards her cause I don't know what level she is in athleticness.
Not knowing, she slamms her foot into the ball so that it goes out of the freaking school courtyard.
Yea. She's mad.
After we retrieve the ball and get in line he tells us who made the team and what spots we got.
Captain: Christina
Goalkeeper: tris
Defense: Marisa
Defense: Lynn
Offense: Marlene I didn't even know she was here ?
Offense: Kayla. And some other girls.
I go into the locker room to change and walk out. I head to lunch.
Four calls me over and I sit with the gang. All except Christiana. Shocker.
"Awwh you look sad?" Says four in a whiny voice.
"Awwh, tris is sad. " I say in 3rd person.
"Because Christiana-" I'm cut off but the speaker going in loud.
"Attention students, attention. All exit out of the cafeteria for there is a leak in the oil and needs to be cleaned immediately. Thank you. " says our principle.
We all gather our things and get out. I'm talking to Uriah when I'm pulled aside into the science lab. Christiana looks me dead in the eye and starts talking.
"That is MY gang. Not yours and I don't like you being the center Piece in it. You suddenly SHOW up and now your the main attention. Nu-uh. This is my school and you will NOT take it away from me. Stay away from that group. Or expect trouble."
I'm shoved out of the room and back into the hallway. I go back in and she's gone. I walk out and look in disbelief.
I see the gang. I could go back to them. But I decide to jut go back to my dorm.

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