A Day in the Afton Household

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* Please note this is my first true story, so I'm sorry if it isn't good.*

It was a normal day for Evan Afton. He had walked home after finishing his night shift, waving at his neighbors. Then he then made breakfast and took his daughter, Sarah, to school went back home, went to sleep, woke up, talked to Michelle, and started to clean the house when he heard knocking at the door.

Evan's POV

' Huh, I wonder who that could be?,' Evan thought to himself,' It couldn't be Michelle we just finished talking on the phone, couldn't be Jeremy he was busy at the Pizzaplex. It might be Sammy, we haven't talked since the whole Glitchtrap thing.'

He walked towards the door opening it to see someone he never thought he would see again.


"Hey Evan. Glad to see you're doing well."

There on his doorstep was his step-brother. The step-brother he killed.


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