02. A Flashback to My Youth: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

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So how would you know if you already like someone?

That has been my question ever since Andy started barging into my life. People or even google would say that there will be butterflies in your stomach, you won't stop thinking about that person, you miss them, their existence makes you happy, makes you smile, or whatever.

What if it's just fleeting feelings? Or infatuation?

So how would you if your feelings for that person are something worth taking up your time thinking and figuring out rather than studying for your upcoming exam?

"Hana, you're zoning out. We haven't even surpassed an hour here, you're already sleepy," Yujin said in a whispering manner as she tapped my table.

We are in the middle of studying for the final exams and here I am thinking about some sort of things that won't help me pass junior year.

I resumed studying and thankfully, I was able to focus. Yujin and I decided to stop at 9:00 pm since we started pretty early.

When I got back home, I showered and when I got out of the bathroom, my aunt is asking Herim to run an errand for her and since Herim is stuck on her books, I volunteered instead.

She gave me the paper with the doctor's medical prescription and told me to buy it at the pharmacy and just give it to the pharmacist and they will do their job. I bet it's for my cousin who just had her appendicitis treated with surgery and is currently resting at home.

I first went to my favorite bibimbap store before I went to the pharmacy and when I arrived there, I had to wait in line because there is a customer at the counter.

"I'm sorry but I really can't sell this to you for a cheaper price. I don't own this pharmacy I am just an employee."

"Can't I just pay the rest of the price next time? Can't I do an installment? Please my son really needs this medicine." The man who is at the counter said with a pleading voice that caught my attention.

"I'm sorry sir. I'm afraid I can't help you anymore." The pharmacist said.

"Please, we went to the hospital to have a check-up, and the check-up and test itself are already expensive that I almost ran out of money. And this is all I have to buy my son medicine. Please." Something in my heart ached for the father. He is so willing to set aside his pride and dignity begging for what his son needs physiologically.

"I'm sorry sir. But I can't really do anything. I will be in trouble if I let you do that."

"I have to do something. My child is sick. Please. I'll try to find money tomorrow. I'll make sure to pay the rest as soon as I have enough money on my hand. Just, please. I can't just leave here with my son like this."

This is getting too heartbreaking.

"Umm, excuse me?" I carefully intervened.

"I am not trying to act arrogant I just want to know how much is it?" I asked. The pharmacist's brows raised as she looked at me.

"I think it's not appropriate for you to buy it if you do not have the doctor's medical prescription."

"I am not buying it, I want to know how much is it so I could know if I can pay for it, so his child would be able to have it a.s.a.p," I answered back.

"30,000 won" She answered. That's... expensive but I brought my own wallet and I think have 30,000 won.

"I think I can pay for it instead. Is he your son?" I looked at the man and pointed at the little boy around 4 or 5 years old holding his hand. He nodded. I smiled and bent my knees.

Through Winds and Waves (HaeSoo) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz