03. A Flashback to My Youth: Life Goes On

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It's Saturday night and I kinda want to visit one of my friends to just eat and talk and so I went to the ramen house that Cha Eun's family owns.

"It's on the house." I beamed a smile at Cha Eun as she placed the tray of the Ramen I ordered on my table.

"Thank You, Cha Eun. You're the best." I said and she just made a face as if she's cringing at what I said. She sat on the chair in front of me and removed her apron.

It's already 11 pm and it seems like no customers are coming at this hour that's why when I arrived she already closed the restaurant.

"You already ate?" I asked as I fixed my chopsticks.

"I don't eat carbohydrates past 10 pm." I rolled my eyes and mockingly mouthed what she said which made her laugh.

"So, how was your trip to Europe?" She asked while watching me eat.

I just got back from my vacation in Europe two days ago because my mom told me so. I stayed at the house where she lives with her family yet, as usual, it didn't feel like home. My stepbrothers were there, I have a stepdad there, my mom is there, but still, I was lonely. My stepbrothers were busy studying, my mom was busy working and so is my stepdad. There's no such thing as summer vacation for them.

"Don't even get me started. It was just me 30% enjoying my tours alone and 70% wanting to go back to Korea."

I was there for a month and I don't even know how I lasted that long. If only my return ticket was refundable, I would've gone back after a week.

She chuckled and crossed her arms. "Let me change the topic then, Jae Jin was here last time and he was asking me when are you going to come back. I think he's going somewhere"

My brows arched as I looked at Cha Eun.


"I don't know. I just found out from my friend who happened to be his friend. He said he couldn't contact you and so I told him that when you're overseas you use a different phone that's why I told him to message you through Instagram instead. He did not try?" I licked my lower lip and shook my head.

I post pictures and videos in my stories every day when I was in Spain that's why I always check my Instagram but I did not receive a message from him. I don't even know if he has Instagram.

"You didn't send him a message when you arrived?" She asked and clasped her hand on the table like an interrogator.

"Why would I?"

"To update him" She answered.

"Why would I update him?" She scoffed and rested her back on the chair when I asked another question.

"Because you're interested in each other." She said nonchalantly. I chuckled and diverted my gaze on the bowl of ramen and continued eating.

"You said. You like him and I can see that he's also interested in you so why aren't you guys making any progress?" She asked.

I laid down my chopsticks and spoon then wiped my lips with tissue paper and looked at her. I pressed my lips and took a deep breath.

"Cha Eun, feelings are not supposed to be reciprocated all the time. It's not give and take and besides when I said that I like him I didn't say that I want to have a relationship with him. The feelings are going to be ruined once there's a relationship. It's pain in the ass." I said which made her roll her eyes.

"So what do you think about him?"

I pursed my lips and slowly met her piercing gaze.

"He's my type you know. He's like a man of my dreams, like someone who came from a drama or a book. Someone that you wouldn't know existed. I knew his flaws, his weaknesses, his failures but damn, I still think that he's so perfect." I am so aware that I look so smitten right now. I am smiling from ear to ear while talking about him and I think that's just one of the side effects of liking someone like Andy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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