• Incorrect Quotes •

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A/N- Please enjoy while I finish up chapter 1 (procrastination sucks)

Tommy: I can't stand you

Dream: Then kneel

Bad: Don't let anyone else ruin your day!

Dream: yeah! You gotta take matters into your own hands! RUIN YOUR OWN DAY!

Bad: NO!


Dream : Okay if you're going to go and meet people, you're going to need some pick up lines

Techno: Uhm sure.

Dream: let's practice, hit me with the best you've got

Techno: Uhhhh.....You're Pretty..?

Dream: I know now come on pick up

Philza: It's beautiful out here

Techno: and quiet.

Philza : Too quiet

Techno: Did we lose tommy?

*Cuts to Tommy with a bear in a headlock*

Tommy: I will become the biggest man in this server

Dream: Go Tommy! Go!


Philza: What did you guys get in your yearbook?

Wilbur: 'Nicest Smile'

Niki: Nicest Personality

Dream: Most likely to start a bar fight

Techno: Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win

Tommy: Most likely to get kicked out of a Mall for 5 years

A/N- the rest are going to be techno,Wilbur,dream, and philza

Dream: I truly believe water can solve all your problems

Techno: Weight loss? Drink water

Philza: Clear skin? Drink water

Wilbur: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.

Wilbur,singing to the tune I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and Iiked it-

Philza: Should we take him to the exorcist?

Dream also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick

Techno: Call the exorcist.

Wilbur: I have the sharpest memory here- name one thing I forgot something!

Philza: you left me,techno, and dream in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.

Wilbur: I did that on purpose try again
(Sbi family +tubbo and dream)

Philza: dream since your name was pulled from the hat, techno will read you Christmas letter outloud

Dream gives techno the letter: Oh no

Techno: "Dear Santa, I'm writing to let you know I've been naughty...
*looks up at dream*
And it was worth it you fat, judgmental bastard."


*Tommy,Tubbo, and wilbur losing their shit laughing*

Dream: In my defense I didn't think that anyone would read it outloud nor would you pick mine.

Philza: I probably should've went with Tubbos

Murderer: Any Last words?

Dream: Do you think I look cute? Be honest

Murderer: ....yeah

Techno: I'm allergic to death

Tommy on Monday: *Glues a dime to the sidewalk* heh he heh

Tommy on Wednesday: Ooh hey! A dime

Dream: If I see a big, I simply leave the room elegantly and require someone else do something about it.

Dream: if no one fulfills my wishes I simply explode the place or never go back there it depends on my mood.

I hope you enjoyed reading this!
I was trying to make sure the Incorrect quotes were somewhat original.

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