a reciprocated crush

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i remember the first time i met henry.

by the time eighth grade came around he stood

6'4", had a scrawny figure,

partly matted mop-like curls,

caramelized eyes,

paper-thin glasses,

but had the most beautiful gapped teeth ever.

he was hard to miss.

henry was awkward and corny, but damn, could he talk!

he could hold every conversation like it was no problem.

ask him a question about anything and he can spew out

information like he's the next human search engine.

we were always friends, but I never thought beyond it.

never thought I was his type.

i was the 5'7" girl with short dark string-like hair,

the girl with the lazy eye,

the girl who preferred zip-up hoodies, graphic tees, and cargo shorts,

the girl with the ugliest laugh and the cutest dimpled smile you've never seen.

i was blind at first, but thinking back, everything made sense.

he loved me and he loved every part of it.

he wanted to be the boy i've always wanted.

he was the one who'd write my name on his arm.

the one who'd constantly draw hearts with my initials inside.

the one who'd buy me candy grams with an attached

note saying "from your lover" with the same shitty heart.

the one who'd give me the time of day, and would

hold me so tight like nothing mattered.

the one who'd look at me and give me the attention

i was dying to get it from other boys.

i didn't know it then, but this was a sign.

i waited for so long but finally--

finally, for god's sake--

i got the boy, and finally, i am the lucky girl,

the lucky girl who can hold his hand,

wrap her fingers around his neck

walk around and show off her boy

and shout "i did it! i fucking did it!"

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