the 5'7" girl with the 6'4" boy

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it took a while for people to believe that

we were dating.

we've been together for almost a year, and

yet others were shocked for

two seemingly different

people to get together.

the biggest difference between the both of us,

besides our height,

was that henry was so much more.

he was loved

appreciated by many.

he was the star student,

the teacher's pet,

the golden boy,

the poster child.

he was active, involved in anything he could get his hands on.

team leader in robotics, co-editor in yearbook club, an ambassador

for the student ambassadors club, vice-president for NHS...

even a math tutor for middle schoolers, and

was constantly praised by any teacher he ran into.

he had a purpose,

and yet, i was barely there.

i didn't stick out like a sore thumb like he did.

i was easily invisible and i knew i was

nothing like henry.

i was never praised by teachers, never appreciated or

loved by other students.

i never gave the time to participate in any activities.

i always kept my interests to myself but even then

henry knew i loved listening and writing music more than anything.

he knew the way i'd move to music, swaying my arms and hips around

as if nobody was watching.

he knew how i'd scribble down ideas in a notepad and i'd

try to compose it into a song.

he knew how i loved to play the guitar just so we can sing together.

he always encouraged me, even if it was behind the scenes.

i may not bring much to offer on the outside,

but when people pass by us, and see us holding hands,

him tucking my fallen strand of hair behind my ear,

or even see us giggling like children at a lunch table,

i was nothing more but the 5'7" girl with the 6'4" boy.

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