Chapter 2

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-3rd Person-

         Y/N SAT AT THE                               Slytherin table, waiting for the announcement to take place

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Slytherin table, waiting for the announcement to take place. Sure, Dumbledore told him some information about what is happening, but he doesn't know about anything yet. Y/N kept tapping against the table impatiently, until Dumbledore made his way up to the podium.

"Well now that we are all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be our home this year, but home to special guests as well. You see, hogwarts has been chosen-"

Dumbledore stoped speaking when Flinch reached up to him and whispered in his ear, then he continued on,

"So hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the Triwizard Tornament. For all of those who do not know, the Triwizard Tornament brings together three schools, for a series of magical contests. From each school, a student will be chosen, if chosen you will stand alone. More on that topic later, for now please join me in welcoming... the lovely ladies from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic... and their hadmistress Madame Maxime.

The great hall doors creaked open and in came girls in blue. Butterfly's came out of nowhere and flew around the great hall. They all went to the back of the room, except one. She was spinning around and bowed. She had her blond hair in a ponytail, and she had bright blue eyes.

Y/N would be lying if he said she wasn't attractive. All of the great hall cheered, well, mainly the boys. Y/N did a slow clap then placed his had back on the table. The blonde met eyes with the H/C but quickly broke it off when Dumbledore started talking again.

"And now our friends from the north, please meet the proud sons of Drumstrang.. and their high master, Igor Karkaroff."

The great hall doors opened once again and boys with giant sticks made their way in making their grand entrance, then they all ran to the back.

Then the headmaster came with another boy, "Oh it's KRUM!" The boys then made fire come out of their wand which startled Dumbledore.

Food came on to the table and everyone started digging in. Y/N took some food on his plate, then spotted Evelyn from the hufflepuff table staring at krum. Y/N chuckled and started to eat his food.

After a bit Dumbledore went to the front of the podium. "Your attention please! I'd like to say a few words." Dumbledore then started to touch the huge object next to him.

"Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who wins the tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks. For this reason, the Ministry has seen fit for a new rule."

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