Chapter One.

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Agatha's P.O.V

Were things ever to good? Agatha wondered just that, as she flopped on the king sized bed she and Tedros shared. Everything in Camelot was a luxury, especially for her, the new Queen of Camelot. All was at peace in the endless woods, now that Japheth, or the "Snake Of The Woods", had been defeated.  Agatha and Tedros were living a happy life, but all Agatha could wonder about was her best friend and twin, Sophie. Agatha wished Sophie and Hort hadn't left to live in Gavldon. Agatha's mind flashed back to that day only one month ago.

"Aggie, dear Hort and I have something to tell you...".      Sophie hesitated.

"What, you've finally decided to give up cucumbers?" Agatha was grumpy after just being woken up.

"No... but we have decided that we want to live with quiet and peace without having to worry about villains always sneaking up on us. You know, stressing creates wrinkles."

"What are you trying to say?" Tedros cut in standing next to his princess. 

"Oh, Teddie! You woke up. Well... Hort and I are moving to Gavldon."

The door to the bedroom opened, bringing Agatha back to the present. Standing in the doorway grinning goofily was Agatha's prince. Or now, King, though she would always refer to him as her prince. Tedros was not in his Kingly clothes, but rather in a crisp blue lace up shirt and black pants. His golden hair was messy but his blue were eyes gleaming.

"Good morning." Tedros said, smiling. Agatha shielded her eyes from the light and sat up.

"Why are you awake so early?" 

"I have a surprise planned out..."

"You know I hate surprises, Tedros." Agatha said crossing her arms, though she couldn't help but smile at her husbands excitement. 

Before Agatha knew it, she was blindfolded and led outside. 

"Are we there yet?"

"Almost..." After a couple more minutes of walking Tedros slipped the blindfold off Agatha. Before her was a lush field of grass and dandelions, and in her prince's hand was a basket of food and a checkered blanket.

"A picnic?"

"I thought you liked picnics." Tedros said, embarrassed.

"Oh, Tedros, I love picnics!" Agatha said smiling brightly. The happy couple spread out the blanket and sat down. They ate in silence, a little flushed, like teenagers on their first date. After finishing her meal, Agatha flopped down and looked at the sky. It was bright with no clouds, almost as if the blue space above was a blank canvas waiting for some paint. 

She sighed. Her  heart felt like it was made of glass. It had been broken a number of times, by the school master stealing Sophie, her mother sacrificing herself for the woods, the snake nearly destroying the storian. All these cracks had been mended yet now there was one more running down the middle. Something that only her other half could fill. So the balance of, good-evil, light-dark, witch-princess and sister-sister could be even. Agatha longed for Sophie. It seemed she always had to choose between Tedros or Sophie. Couldn't she have both? Was it really too much to ask? She squeezed her eyes shut, picturing Sophie having the time of her life with Hort, never thinking about her twin. But selfishly Agatha wished Sophie would miss her as well. Suddenly Tedros flopped down besides her, startling her from her thoughts. 

"I miss her too, sometimes." He said.

"Huh?! Who?"

"Who do you think? Sophie! She's our best friend." 

"Tedros... do think it was my fault she wanted to leave?"

"Of course not, Agatha!"

"But she seemed to be happy here! Then all of a sudden she wanted to leave! Plus, when we were living there, she hated it!"

"Well, you know Sophie, she's kind of flighty."

Agatha shrugged and snuggled next to her prince. Her eyelids started to droop and then it was dark.

She woke up on the bed she shared with Tedros, and saw that he was sitting in a chair watching her.

"How long have you been watching me sleep?"

"Ever since you fell asleep" He smirked.

"That's creepy," Agatha yawned. She got out of bed and saw that it was around mid afternoon.

"I fell asleep late last night...?" She said guiltily.

"You're queen now. You can decide things for yourself. When to go to sleep, when to wake up, and when to sleep three hours in the middle of the day. You can plan your own schedule." Tedros    Stood up. 

"Oh darn I forgot I have to make a public appearance in one hour!" Agatha rushed out of the room, leaving her prince to his thoughts. 



Thanks for reading my first chapter! I hope you liked it. 😁  I know that it was kind of uneventful, but the next chapter will be better! please comment and vote! 

-Tabitha Brown 😜

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