Chapter 3

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Tedros's p.o.v 

Tedros blinked and sat up in bed. He turned to see Agatha sleeping, but instead found that her half of the bed was made. Agatha wasn't the one to wake up early, in fact she sometimes needed to have mud poured over her head to wake her up. Tedros rolled out of bed quickly dressed and was about to leave when a servant ran in.                                                                                                                        "King Tedros, King Tedros! It's urgent! Leave right away before it gets to you too!" The servant looked at Tedros desperately. He seemed only to be around nine or ten. Tedros opened his mouth to ask what was going on, but before he could, a black mist came rushing in the room scooping the servant up and away leaving only his screams to fade away softly. Tedros's jaw dropped. This situation was serious and out of his hands. He needed to get help and only one place could help him. Tedros grabbed his traveling sack and hurried out the door. This mysterious black mist must have taken Agatha too. The king of Camelot rushed out of his castle and broke into a run away from his home and towards the School For Good and Evil.

Agatha's p.o.v   

Agatha sat in the royal courtyard thinking about her dream. She couldn't stop hearing Sophie screaming for help. That memory- or dream just lived rent free in her head. Suddenly out of the corner of her eye she saw black mist creeping out of a hole in the wall. Agatha gasped and rubbed her eyes and it was gone. Just a trick of the light. She returned back to her normal position and nearly screamed. There was a big gathering of black mist right in front of her. 

        Agatha leaped to her feet and ran as fast as she could, but it wasn't fast enough. The mist caught up to her in no time at all. She made it a whole 2 yards. Agatha closed her eyes, mist swirling around her- faster, faster and faster. Then all of a sudden, it stopped. She opened her eyes and saw mist circling all around her as if she was in the eye of a tornado. Strangely it was absolutely quiet and all she could hear was her breathing and her heart pounding. Agatha stood up and as soon as she did, a figure made of swirling mist came out in front of her. Slowly it morphed into a figure of a teenage boy with pale skin blue eyes and white spiky hair. Agatha froze in fear. Then she realized something was wrong with it. It kept glitching back into mist and then to the figure again. Agatha was about to take a step forward and then it spoke.                                                                       "Agatha, Agatha, Agatha. How could you be oh so foolish as to think you and your stupid friends got rid of me? Although I must say, I never did doubt you from the beginning. Anyway, as you can see I am back but only halfway. To fully come back, I will need your help and you will help your poor old schoolmaster, won't you?"                                                                                                                "I would never ever help you no matter what!" Agatha screamed in his face. She stepped back to see that his reaction was a smirk.                                                                                                                         "But you will help me or perhaps poor old little King Tedros will have his head skewered on his own sword." He said, glowering down at Agatha. " Oh yes I do have your king but you can have him back in one piece as soon as you do as I tell you. As soon as I am back in full form so that the Schoolmaster, Rafal will return!" The mist faded away and left Agatha's face frozen in a look of fear. It was true. He is back.

A.N Hi to those of you reading, I hope you liked chapter three! Please comment down below what you thought. Sorry that I have not updated in a while, I don't have an excuse but I will try to update more often. Have a great day! :) -Tabitha Brown 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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