e i g h t e e n

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Dessa and I didn't stop at one game. We continued to play games, real and made up, all break. And when I was sent more Muggle games from my dad on Christmas morning, that was how we spent our day.

She'd written to her family and had since received the most amount of candy someone can imagine from them. I could tell this made her ecstatic and she had insisted on sharing with me.

And I was glad she did.

We walked to Hogsmeade and talked, Dessa's hair filling with snowflakes in the afternoon snow. She was excited to look around and buy things with the new money her oldest sister had sent her for whatever reason. She was one of the only older family members that didn't return home.

I didn't even know what she intended on buying, all I could tell was she was content with spending it all in a day. The walk felt long in the cold and the long we took the more I wanted to be inside but Dessa didn't seem phased at all.

"You know, I'm actually kind of thankful Nina went home so we can all chill separately," she said, "Though I doubt Isaac is alone. I caught him writing a letter and I think he sent it to the girl he met over the summer."

"Nina was the one that needed chill and it was only her," I said stiffly. "Everyone else was cool. She's the one who freaked out."

Dessa nodded and turned to look at me. Snowflakes laid on her eyelashes, accompanied by her red cheeks and nose. "You aren't wrong," she mumbled. "But I needed time away from everything. This has been nice."

I smiled at her, knocking my shoulder into hers. She rolled her eyes and looked down at her feet.

Shops came into view and we quickened our pace. Both of us wanted to be inside at this point and Dessa was planning out all the shit she was going to buy.

"I think my sister is going to get married soon," she confessed as we walked toward a building. "She wrote to me that her boyfriend proposed but no one else knows yet."

"That's cool," I mumbled.

"Yeah, she said she wants it to be a short engagement for some reason. She's really anxious after the Ministry scandal last year."

"I think everyone is."

Dessa sighed and pulled a large wooden door open, a flood of warmth hitting my face.

I couldn't count how many shops she went in, and how many times she debated on looking at clothes for a wedding she didn't even know the date for. But I know we spent most of our day in Hogsmeade and she didn't want to leave.

We decided our last shop would be a cute little jewelry shop on the edge of the village and we'd spend whatever we wanted.

I looked around, all the necklaces glittering in the light. I didn't wear a lot of jewelry, but I did like looking at it. I hated buying it for myself, too.

Luckily, I knew someone who wore a fair share of jewelry.

The rings had caught my attention as soon as we entered but Dessa pulled me toward some necklaces and I got caught up in everything else. But I made my way back to them and stared at every single ring.

I couldn't find a single ring that I thought was good enough and I was starting to get agitated. I didn't even know if she'd wear one. All of hers were family given and meant a huge deal to not only her but everyone around her.

"Get that one," Dessa mumbled behind me, pointing at a ring. It was designed to look like leaves, pale yellow stone in the middle. I stared at it. It did look pretty but Dessa didn't know who I was getting it for.

Would she like it?

Dessa grabbed it and pulled my wrist, dropping it into my hand. "It's the best one, buy it."

I sighed, giving it and paid for it. It sat in a small ring box, a red ribbon tied around it.

Dessa draped her arm across my shoulders as we walked back to the castle, looking at me. "I know it's for someone, the ring," she whispered, "But I won't ask who. All I know is, you're so into someone and it's cute." She smirked at me and I shoved her off, shaking my head.

I looked down at the box and thought of how she'd react. Hopefully, she would like it.

Because I really wanted her to like it.

Everyone as a group collectively decided we'd be stationed at Malfoy Manor for some fucking reason and it was worse than hell, I'm certain of that.

The rooms were cold, the air was thick, and I was experiencing the highest levels of anxiety in my life. Not even Blaise could figure out how to help.

My heart pounded in my throat every time someone came into a room in fear that they'd figure out just exactly who I'd been spending my spare time with.

Christmas was yesterday. It was okay. Blaise got me something, and I got him something. But that was the extent of our gift exchange. We'd been told our gifts would be presented today—and I dreaded that more than anything.

I sat in the freezing hallway next to Blaise. He tapped his fingers on the floor and kept his eyes closed. Theodore had been called in a few minutes ago and I could feel the pressure weighing down on my chest already. Everything was heavy and it was getting harder to breathe every minute that passed.

I could tell Blaise was nervous, he refused to speak to me. And that was making me feel worse.

The large double doors were thrown open and my father appeared, glaring down at me.

"Pansy." His voice was stern and made me want the floor to open up and swallow me whole. I wanted to shrink into the shadows.

To hide.

To escape.

But I couldn't. My muscles took over from this point on. I had no control over my body and what it did, and that terrified me.

I glanced at everyone lining the walls of the drawing room and avoided looking at him every chance I had. I heard the doors slam shut behind me and panic flooded my entire being.

He was feet from me. Maybe even inches. I could feel him staring at me. When I looked up at him I felt a wave of heat rush through me and my shoulders tensed. He smiled evilly at me and held his wand in the air.

Everyone was hushed and anxious. No one could speak. Like their ability to form words had been ripped from them and was held hostage in front of them.

He reached out, grabbed my arm in his cold hands, and yanked it toward him. I inhaled sharply and tried to keep my eyes on him in fear that something would happen if I didn't.

I'm not even sure my composure was what it usually was. But was anyones? No matter who you were this had to be the most horrifying experience of your life.

He narrowed his eyes at me and leaned forward, his pale face more visible in the dim light.

"Pansy Parkinson," he whispered. "Yes I can see you'll be quite valuable." His grip on my arm tightened and he brought his want to it.

I lost all sense of who I was for a moment and the burning was all I knew. It took everything in me not to react and keep a straight face. It felt like hours but it must have only been a few minutes when he dropped my arm with a wide grin.

"You will join your peers and assist Malfoy in his task," the Dark Lord spoke louder than before, "If you dare cross me, or your loyalty strays I will do everything in my power to eliminate you and anyone close to you."

I stumbled back to join my family and stared down at the pure black Dark Mark on me. I wanted to cry. I didn't know who I was, what I was.

And what I feared,

Above all else,

Was what I had done to Adeline.

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