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The woods held secrets that were never meant to be revealed to a single person, much less a whole town. If the town had just listened, they wouldn't have even taken a step into our home. They have many names, like The Men from the Woods, The Masked Ones, The Cursed, you get the point. But the name I know them by is 'The Living Dolls'.

No one truly knows when they first showed up, it just happened one day. The people walked into town one day and took a young boy that was throwing a fit about a toy his parents wouldn't buy him. The townsfolk tried to stop them of course, but it was no use. The men had relative super human strength. They threw the boy's father across the street, through a display window of an old bakery.

The boy was struggling, but their grip was unrelenting. The town could do nothing but watch as the kid was dragged into the woods, throwing his hand out towards his mother, grabbing air, as the trees engulfed him and the men. The boy was never seen nor heard from again. After a few weeks, the town gave up their search.

From then on, ever year on exact same day, five kids would get taken by the men into the woods, and the town would turn a blind eye every time it had happened. There is one thing that all the kidnapped kids had in common. Every kid that was taken has done something to disrespect their parents that day.

Their parents would pretend that they never had a kid when state police would get involved. When officers decide to investigate the woods, they were found dismembered in several different cities. The cases of missing kids was later closed and considered annual animal attacks. The strange fact is that when a kid that is considered missing for years, one day shows up on the cover of a vogue magazine all grown up.

The town has been considered cursed for a long time. They rarely get any new visitors, let alone people moving there. This is the result when kidnappings become a regular part of a person's life. You can only pray that if you do pass through the old town, that your not one of the many victims that will befall an unfortunate fate.


"I sense a new presence in the area." A women whispered, a small smirk growing on her face. A masked figure walked up next to her seat, bowing his head slightly before speaking.

"Are they the one?" The woman side glanced the masked figure before replying.

"Yes, There's no doubt about it." The masked one nodded, before speaking again.

"The best time is in a few days, along wit-" the figure was cut off suddenly when they felt something strong grip their throat.

"No." The woman growled, her eyes sharp as she glared at the guard.

"You and the others will fetch them and the others today, " she pauses before letting them go, eyes showing false safety as she turned around and sat back into her seat. The woman continues, hearing the guard cough slightly, "The town won't care about a small break in routine."

The guard straightened themselves out before bowing slightly, watching as her eyes settle back into the book she was reading.

"I'll alert the others immediately mistress." She gave a nod of acknowledgment as the guard stood up and left to fetch the others. When she heard the door close, the women sighed quietly. Resting her head against her hand, a gentle look replacing the mean face, features softening, thinking, You'll be home soon.

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